Sep 21, 2021 AnnouncementsWhy Eddie Garcia Joined MacrometaEddie Garcia, our new CISO/CDO/CIO, explains why the potential of the GDN for new technology breakthroughs brought him to Macrometa
Jul 21, 2021 EdgeHow To Build Applications The Edge Native WayTo fulfill the promise of 5G, learn how developers and mobile network operators can use an edge computing platform.
Jun 24, 2021 EdgeCloud Native Is Not Edge NativeLearn more about why cloud native's centralized architecture just can’t meet the challenges of the edge. We need to start thinking edge natively.
Jun 16, 2021 AnnouncementsAnnouncing Macrometa’s $20M Series A round led by PelionMacrometa has raised a $20M Series A round led by Pelion Ventures.
May 07, 2021 AnnouncementsAlan Evans On Why He Joined MacrometaAlan, Principle Technologist at Macrometa, talks about why he joined and the future of Edge Cloud.
Apr 16, 2021 AnnouncementsMacrometa partners with Cloudflare to extend the EdgeMacrometa & Cloudflare enable building apps that require massive investments with high technical risk and complexity to be built intuitively and quickly.
Feb 26, 2021 IndustrySolving The Trillion Dollar Data Problem In Edge ComputingThe last 15 years have seen several successive waves of big data platforms and companies offering new database and analytics capabilities.
Nov 18, 2020 AnnouncementsAnnouncing Pelion’s Investment In MacrometaToday I’m incredibly pleased to share that Pelion Ventures has invested in Macrometa.
Oct 21, 2020 IndustryRob Fry On Why You're Doing Cloud WrongCustomers are frustrated as more loads are moved into public clouds. They need help to deal with cost issues, optimizations, and complexity.