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Lexical & Semantic Search: Simplify Information Discovery

HyperSearch's flexibility and precision make finding information effortless and fast. Our low-latency search offers both lexical keyword matching and intuitive semantic search across data indexed from multiple locations to the edge.

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  • Autonomous communities of Spain - Wikipedia


    Spain is divided in 17 parts called autonomous communities. Autonomous means that each of these autonomous communities has its own executive, legislative judicial powers. These are.....

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  • April - Wikipedia


    April is the fourth month of the year, and comes between March and May. It is one of four months to have 30 days. April always begins on the same day of week as July, and addition.....

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  • Black pudding - Wikipedia


    Black pudding is an English name for zwarte pudding. It is food made by cooking down the blood of any mammal (usually pigs or cattle) with meat, fat or filler until it is thick eno.....

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  • Argentina - Wikipedia


    Argentina (officially the Argentine Republic) is a country in South America. Argentina is the second-largest country in South America and the eighth-largest country in the world. .....

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  • Brazil - Wikipedia


    Brazilian National Congress Brazil (officially called Federative Republic of Brazil; how to say: ) is a country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country. The count.....

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  • China - Wikipedia


    China ( Pinyin: Zhōngguó) is a cultural region, an ancient civilization, and a nation in East Asia. The official name is People's Republic of China. The last Chinese Civil War (19.....

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  • City - Wikipedia


    The historic city of Istanbul (Turkey) with some notable sights. A city is a heavily inhabited community that may include structures, buildings, bridges, rivers or lakes, and land.....

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  • December - Wikipedia


    December (Dec.) is the twelfth and last month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, with 31 days, coming between November (of the same year) and January (of the following year). W.....

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  • Cuba - Wikipedia


    Cuba is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. The country is made up of the big island of Cuba, the Isla de la Juventud island (Isle of Youth), and many smaller islands. Havana i.....

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