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Using RBA to access work applications

RBA improves performance by deploying applications at the network edge, ensuring improved speed, responsiveness and better user experiences for tasks.


  • RBA Installer Token: The RBA Installer Token is required when setting up the installer. To access this token, navigate to Software Downloads from the homepage sidebar. Copy the Software Token for Remote Browser Acceleration.


Download the RBA Installer

To access and use your work apps with RBA, follow these installation steps to configure the necessary drivers:


The RBA installer also installs a Chrome browser on your device. You must access RBA using this browser to ensure RBA functions properly. For devices with the supported browser already installed, the RBA installer skips this browser installation.

  1. Click the Download button for Remote Browser Acceleration on the Software Downloads page to obtain the installer.

  2. Run the file and follow the on-screen prompts until you reach the login screen. Use the token you copied earlier when prompted for your RBA Installer Token. Click Next.


  3. After installation is complete, click Finish.

Accessing your Apps

After setting up the RBA installer and restarting your device, continue with the following steps to access your applications from Workspaces:

  1. Log in to Cloud Workspaces using the newly installed Chrome browser. If you’re not already on the homepage, click Go Home. The tools available in your workspace may vary based on your user subscription.


  2. From the Workspaces homepage, click Open for the Your RBA App. The web app opens up in a new tab within the remote browser.

  3. The navigation controls in the top-right corner of the screen allow you to navigate back and forth within your apps to complete your tasks. These controls also provide options to refresh and close the web app.



Your RBA app in this guide is a placeholder for your work apps.

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