This section demonstrates some of the tasks that you can complete with Macrometa SDKs. Macrometa offers the following SDKs:
Read through the complete example below to see how to perform tasks with SDKs or with APIs using Python or JavaScript calls.
- A Macrometa account with admin privileges.
- Install the SDK. Macrometa offers Python and Javascript SDKs.
SDK Example
Assume your tenant name is
and user password is xxxxx
- Javascript
- Python
- Rest API (python)
- Rest API (javascript)
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
// Email and password to authenticate client instance
const email = "";
const password = "xxxxxx";
const fabric = "_system";
const collectionName = "testCollection";
const streamName = "testStream";
// API key ID
const keyid = "id1";
const client = new jsc8({
url: "",
fabricName: fabric
// Or create an authenticated instance with a token or API key.
// const client = new jsc8({url: "", token: "XXXX", fabricName: fabric});
// const client = new jsc8({url: "", apiKey: "XXXX", fabricName: fabric});
// console.log("Authentication done!");
function messageHandler (error) {
const message = {
"StatusCode ": error.statusCode,
"ErrorMessage ": error.message,
"ErrorNum ": error.errorNum
async function main () {
await client
.login(email, password)
.then((e) => console.log("User authentication done!"))
.catch((error) => error);
console.log("1. Creating API key with KeyID = " + keyid);
await client
.then((apiKey) => console.log(apiKey))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n2. Getting available API keys");
await client
.then((apiKeys) => console.log(apiKeys.result))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n3. Listing accessible databases for Key_ID = " + keyid);
await client
.then((databases) => {
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n4. Listing accessible streams for Key_ID = " + keyid);
await client
.listAccessibleStreams(keyid, fabric, (full = false))
.then((streams) => {
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n5. Listing collections");
await client
.then((collections) => {
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n6. Creating collection");
await client
.then((collection) => {
console.log("Collection created successfully");
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n7. Setting collection access level");
await client
.setCollectionAccessLevel(keyid, fabric, collectionName, "rw")
.then((collectionAccessLevel) => {
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n8. Creating stream " + streamName);
await client
.then((stream) => console.log(stream))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
"\n9. Setting stream " + streamName + " access level to read only"
await client
.setStreamAccessLevel(keyid, fabric, "c8globals." + streamName, "ro")
.then((streamAccessLevel) => console.log(streamAccessLevel))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
"\n10. Setting database " + fabric + " access level to read write for Key_ID " +
await client
.setDatabaseAccessLevel(keyid, fabric, "rw")
.then((databaseAccessLevel) => console.log(databaseAccessLevel))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n11. Getting collection" + collectionName + " access levels");
await client
.getCollectionAccessLevel(keyid, fabric, collectionName)
.then((collectionAccessLevel) => console.log(collectionAccessLevel))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n12. Getting stream" + streamName + " access levels");
await client
.getStreamAccessLevel(keyid, fabric, "c8globals." + streamName)
.then((streamAccessLevel) => console.log(streamAccessLevel))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n13. Getting database " + fabric + " access levels");
await client
.getDatabaseAccessLevel(keyid, fabric)
.then((databaseAccessLevel) => console.log(databaseAccessLevel))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n14. Deleting database access level for Key_ID = " + keyid);
await client
.clearDatabaseAccessLevel(keyid, fabric)
.then((databaseAccessLevel) => console.log(databaseAccessLevel))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n15. Deleting stream access level for Key_ID = " + keyid);
await client
.clearStreamAccessLevel(keyid, fabric, "c8globals." + streamName)
.then((streamAccessLevel) => console.log(streamAccessLevel))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n16. Deleting collection access level for Key_ID = " + keyid);
await client
.clearCollectionAccessLevel(keyid, fabric, collectionName)
.then((collectionAccessLevel) => console.log(collectionAccessLevel))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n17. Deleting " + keyid);
await client
.then((removeApiKey) => console.log(removeApiKey))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n18. Deleting stream " + streamName);
await client
.deleteStream("c8globals." + streamName)
.then((stream) => console.log(stream))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n19. Deleting collection " + collectionName);
await client
.then((collection) => console.log(collection))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
from c8 import C8Client
# Create a connection to gdn
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host='', port=443,
email='', password='xxxxx',
# API key ID
keyid = "id1"
# Create an API key
print("Create API Key: ", client.create_api_key(keyid))
# Fetch List of accessible databases and streams
print("Accessible Databases: ", client.list_accessible_databases(keyid))
print("Accessible Streams of a db: ", client.list_accessible_streams(keyid, '_system'))
# Set access levels for an API key
# Create a new collection if it does not exist
if client.has_collection('testCollection'):
print("Collection exists")
# Create a new stream
# print(client.create_stream('testStream'))
print("Set DB Access Level: ", client.set_database_access_level(keyid, '_system', 'rw'))
print("Set Coll Access Level: ", client.set_collection_access_level(keyid, 'testCollection', '_system', 'rw'))
print("Set Stream Access Level: ", client.set_stream_access_level(keyid,'c8globals.testStream', '_system'))
# Get AccessLevel
print("Get DB Access Level", client.get_database_access_level(keyid,'_system'))
print("Get Coll Access Level: ", client.get_collection_access_level(keyid,'testCollection', '_system'))
print("Get Stream Access Level: ", client.get_stream_access_level(keyid,'c8globals.testStream', '_system'))
# Clear Access Level
print("Clear DB Access Level: ", client.clear_database_access_level(keyid,'_system'))
print("Clear Coll Access Level: ", client.clear_collection_access_level(keyid,'testCollection', '_system'))
print("Clear Stream Access Level: ", client.clear_stream_access_level(keyid,'c8globals.testStream', '_system'))
# Remove api key
remove = client.remove_api_key(keyid)
import requests
import json
# Constants
URL = ""
HTTP_URL = "https://{}".format(URL)
EMAIL = ""
PASSWORD = "xxxxxx"
AUTH_TOKEN = "bearer "
# Create a HTTPS Session
url = "{}/_open/auth".format(HTTP_URL)
payload = {
headers = {
'content-type': 'application/json'
response =, data = json.dumps(payload), headers = headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
resp_body = json.loads(response.text)
AUTH_TOKEN += resp_body["jwt"]
TENANT = resp_body["tenant"]
raise Exception("Error while getting auth token. Code:{}, Reason:{}".format(response.status_code,response.reason))
session = requests.session()
session.headers.update({"content-type": 'application/json'})
session.headers.update({"authorization": AUTH_TOKEN})
# Create an API Key
keyid = "id1"
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key"
payload= {
"keyid": keyid
resp =, data = json.dumps(payload))
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("API Key Created: ", resp)
# Fetch List of accessible databases and streams
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/" + keyid + "/database/_system/stream"
resp = session.get(url)
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("Accessible Streams: ", resp)
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/" + keyid + "/database/_system/collection"
resp = session.get(url)
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("Accessible Collections: ", resp)
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/" + keyid + "/database"
resp = session.get(url)
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("Accessible Databases: ", resp)
# Set Database Access Level
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/" + keyid + "/database/_system"
"grant": "rw"
resp = session.put(url,data = json.dumps(payload))
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("Set Database Access Level: ", resp)
# Set Collection Access Level
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/" + keyid + "/database/_system/collection/testCollection"
"grant": "rw"
resp = session.put(url,data = json.dumps(payload))
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("Set Collection Access Level: ", resp)
# Set Stream Access Level
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/" + keyid + "/database/_system/stream/c8globals.testStream"
"grant": "rw"
resp = session.put(url,data = json.dumps(payload))
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("Set Stream Access Level: ", resp)
# Get Database Acces Level
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/" + keyid + "/database/_system"
resp = session.get(url)
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("Get Database Access Level: ", resp)
# Get Stream Access Level
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/" + keyid + "/database/_system/stream/c8globals.testStream"
resp = session.get(url)
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("Get Stream Access Level: ", resp)
# Get Collection Access Level
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/" + keyid + "/database/_system/collection/testCollection"
resp = session.get(url)
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("Get Collection Access Level: ", resp)
# Clear Database Access Level
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/" + keyid + "/database/_system"
resp = session.delete(url)
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("Clear Database Access Level: ", resp)
# Clear Collection Access Level
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/" + keyid + "/database/_system/collection/testCollection"
resp = session.delete(url)
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("Clear Collection Access Level: ", resp)
# Clear Stream Access Level
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/" + keyid + "/database/_system/stream/c8globals.testStream"
resp = session.delete(url)
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("Clear Stream Access Level: ", resp)
# Delete an API Key
url = HTTP_URL + "/_api/key/"+ keyid
resp = session.delete(url, data = json.dumps(payload))
resp = json.loads(resp.text)
if resp['error'] is True:
print("ERROR: " , resp)
print("API Key Deleted: ", resp)
class APIRequest {
_headers = {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
constructor(url) {
this._url = url;
login(email, password) {
const endpoint = "/_open/auth";
const self = this;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.req(endpoint, {
body: { email, password },
method: "POST",
.then(({ jwt, }) => {
self._headers.authorization = bearer `${jwt}`;
_handleResponse(response, resolve, reject) {
if (response.ok) {
} else {
req(endpoint, { body, ...options } = {}) {
const self = this;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
fetch(self._url + endpoint, {
headers: self._headers,
body: body ? JSON.stringify(body) : undefined,
}).then((response) => self._handleResponse(response, resolve, reject));
const EMAIL = "";
const PASSWORD = "xxxxxx";
const HTTP_URL = "";
const COLLECTION_NAME = "testCollection";
const STREAM_NAME = "testStream"
const KEY_ID = "id1"
const run = async function () {
try {
const connection = new APIRequest(HTTP_URL);
/* -------------------- Login ( -------------------- */
await connection.login(EMAIL, PASSWORD);
console.log("Login Successfully using", EMAIL);
/* -------------------------- Create an API Key ------------------------- */
const apiKey = await connection.req(
method: "POST",
body: {
"keyid": KEY_ID
console.log("API KEY CREATED SUCCESSFULLY", apiKey);
/* ---------------------------- Get List of Accessible Databases and Streams ---------------------------- */
const accessibleStreams = await connection.req(
method: "GET",
console.log("ACCESSIBLE STREAMS", accessibleStreams);
const accessibleCollections = await connection.req(
method: "GET",
console.log("ACCESSIBLE COLLECTIONS", accessibleCollections);
const accessibleDatabases = await connection.req(
method: "GET",
console.log("ACCESSIBLE DATABASES", accessibleDatabases);
/* ----------------------------- Set Access Level ----------------------------- */
const setDatabaseAccessLevel = await connection.req(
method: "PUT",
"grant": "rw"
console.log("SET DATABASE ACCESS LEVEL", setDatabaseAccessLevel);
const setCollectionAccessLevel = await connection.req(
method: "PUT",
"grant": "rw"
console.log("SET COLLECTION ACCESS LEVEL", setCollectionAccessLevel);
const setStreamAccessLevel = await connection.req(
method: "PUT",
"grant": "rw"
console.log("SET STREAM ACCESS LEVEL", setStreamAccessLevel);
/* ---------------------------- Get Access Level ---------------------------- */
const getStreamAccessLevel = await connection.req(
method: "GET",
console.log("GET STREAM ACCESS LEVEL", getStreamAccessLevel);
const getCollectionAccessLevel = await connection.req(
method: "GET",
console.log("GET COLLECTION ACCESS LEVEL", getCollectionAccessLevel);
const getDatabaseAccessLevel = await connection.req(
method: "GET",
console.log("SET DATABASE ACCESS LEVEL", getDatabaseAccessLevel);
/* -----------------------------Clear Access Level ----------------------------- */
const clearDatabaseAccessLevel = await connection.req(
method: "DELETE",
console.log("CLEAR DATABASE ACCESS LEVEL", clearDatabaseAccessLevel);
const clearCollectionAccessLevel = await connection.req(
method: "DELETE",
console.log("CLEAR COLLECTION ACCESS LEVEL", clearCollectionAccessLevel);
const clearStreamAccessLevel = await connection.req(
method: "DELETE",
console.log("CLEAR STREAM ACCESS LEVEL", clearStreamAccessLevel);
/* --------------------------- Delete API Key ---------------------------- */
const removeApiKey = await connection.req(
method: "DELETE",
console.log("CLEAR STREAM ACCESS LEVEL", removeApiKey);
} catch (e) {