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Error Codes

This page describes error codes you might encounter while using Macrometa.

General Errors (0-99)

Error #Error NameDescription
0ERROR_NO_ERRORNo error has occurred.
1ERROR_FAILEDOccurs when a general error occurred.
2ERROR_SYS_ERROROccurs when operating system error occurred.
3ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORYOccurs when there is a memory shortage.
4ERROR_INTERNALOccurs when an internal error occurred.
5ERROR_ILLEGAL_NUMBEROccurs when an illegal representation of a number was given.
6ERROR_NUMERIC_OVERFLOWOccurs when a numeric overflow occurred.
7ERROR_ILLEGAL_OPTIONOccurs when an unknown option was supplied by the user.
8ERROR_DEAD_PIDOccurs when a PID without a living process was found.
9ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDOccurs when hitting an unimplemented feature.
10ERROR_BAD_PARAMETEROccurs when the parameter does not fulfill the requirements.
11ERROR_FORBIDDENOccurs when you are missing permission for the operation.
12ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_MMAPOccurs when there is a memory shortage.
13ERROR_CORRUPTED_CSVOccurs when encountering a corrupt CSV line.
14ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when a file is not found.
15ERROR_CANNOT_WRITE_FILEOccurs when a file cannot be written.
16ERROR_CANNOT_OVERWRITE_FILEOccurs when an attempt is made to overwrite an existing file.
17ERROR_TYPE_ERROROccurs when a type error is unencountered.
18ERROR_LOCK_TIMEOUTOccurs when there's a timeout waiting for a lock.
19ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_DIRECTORYOccurs when an attempt to create a directory fails.
20ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_TEMP_FILEOccurs when an attempt to create a temporary file fails.
21ERROR_REQUEST_CANCELEDOccurs when a request is canceled by the user.
22ERROR_DEBUGOccurs intentionally during debugging.
25ERROR_IP_ADDRESS_INVALIDOccurs when the structure of an IP address is invalid.
27ERROR_FILE_EXISTSOccurs when a file already exists.
28ERROR_LOCKEDOccurs when a resource or an operation is locked.
29ERROR_DEADLOCKOccurs when a deadlock is detected when accessing collections.
30ERROR_SHUTTING_DOWNOccurs when a call cannot succeed because a server shutdown is already in progress.
31ERROR_ONLY_ENTERPRISEOccurs when an enterprise-feature is requested from the Macrometa C8DB.
32ERROR_RESOURCE_LIMITOccurs when the resources used by an operation exceed the configured maximum value.

HTTP Error Status Codes (400-599)

Error #Error NameDescription
400ERROR_HTTP_BAD_PARAMETEROccurs when the HTTP request does not fulfill the requirements.
401ERROR_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZEDOccurs when authorization is required but the user is not authorized.
403ERROR_HTTP_FORBIDDENOccurs when the operation is forbidden.
404ERROR_HTTP_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when an URI is unknown.
405ERROR_HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWEDOccurs when an unsupported HTTP method is used for an operation.
406ERROR_HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLEOccurs when an unsupported HTTP content type is used for an operation or if a request is not acceptable for a leader or follower.
412ERROR_HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILEDOccurs when a precondition for an HTTP request is not met.
500ERROR_HTTP_SERVER_ERROROccurs when an internal server is encountered.
503ERROR_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEOccurs when a service is temporarily unavailable.
504ERROR_HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUTOccurs when a service contacted by C8Db_Db does not respond in a timely manner.

HTTP Processing Errors (600-699)

Error #Error NameDescription
600ERROR_HTTP_CORRUPTED_JSONOccurs when a string representation of a JSON object is corrupt.
601ERROR_HTTP_SUPERFLUOUS_SUFFICESOccurs when the URL contains superfluous suffices.

Internal Errors (1000-1099)

For errors that occur because of a programming error.

Error #Error NameDescription
1000ERROR_C8DB_ILLEGAL_STATEInternal error that Occurs when the datafile is not in the required state.
1002ERROR_C8DB_DATAFILE_SEALEDInternal error that Occurs when trying to write to a datafile.
1004ERROR_C8DB_READ_ONLYInternal error that Occurs when trying to write to a read-only datafile or collection.
1005ERROR_C8DB_DUPLICATE_IDENTIFIERInternal error that Occurs when a identifier duplicate is detected.
1006ERROR_C8DB_DATAFILE_UNREADABLEInternal error that Occurs when a datafile is unreadable.
1007ERROR_C8DB_DATAFILE_EMPTYInternal error that Occurs when a datafile is empty.
1008ERROR_C8DB_RECOVERYOccurs when an error occurred during WAL log file recovery.
1009ERROR_C8DB_DATAFILE_STATISTICS_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when a required datafile statistics object was not found.

External Errors (1100-1199)

For errors that occur because of an outside event.

Error #Error NameDescription
1100ERROR_C8DB_CORRUPTED_DATAFILEOccurs when a corruption is detected in a datafile.
1101ERROR_C8DB_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_FILEOccurs if a parameter file is corrupted or cannot be read.
1102ERROR_C8DB_CORRUPTED_COLLECTIONOccurs when a collection contains one or more corrupted data files.
1103ERROR_C8DB_MMAP_FAILEDOccurs when the system call mmap failed.
1104ERROR_C8DB_FILESYSTEM_FULLOccurs when the filesystem is full.
1105ERROR_C8DB_NO_JOURNALOccurs when a journal cannot be created.
1106ERROR_C8DB_DATAFILE_ALREADY_EXISTSOccurs when the datafile cannot be created or renamed because a file of the same name already exists.
1107ERROR_C8DB_DATADIR_LOCKEDOccurs when the database directory is locked by a different process.
1108ERROR_C8DB_COLLECTION_DIRECTORY_ALREADY_EXISTSOccurs when the collection cannot be created because a directory of the same name already exists.
1109ERROR_C8DB_MSYNC_FAILEDOccurs when the system call msync failed.
1110ERROR_C8DB_DATADIR_UNLOCKABLEOccurs when the server cannot lock the database directory on startup.
1111ERROR_C8DB_SYNC_TIMEOUTOccurs when the server waited too long for a datafile to be synced to disk.

General Errors

For errors that occur when fulfilling a user request.

Error #Error NameDescription
1200ERROR_C8DB_CONFLICTOccurs when updating or deleting a document and a conflict has been detected.
1201ERROR_C8DB_DATADIR_INVALIDOccurs when a non-existing database directory was specified when starting the database.
1202ERROR_C8DB_DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when a document with a given identifier or handle is unknown.
1203ERROR_C8DB_COLLECTION_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when a collection with the given identifier or name is unknown.
1204ERROR_C8DB_COLLECTION_PARAMETER_MISSINGOccurs when the collection parameter is missing.
1205ERROR_C8DB_DOCUMENT_HANDLE_BADOccurs when a document handle is corrupt.
1206ERROR_C8DB_MAXIMAL_SIZE_TOO_SMALLOccurs when the maximal size of the journal is too small.
1207ERROR_C8DB_DUPLICATE_NAMEOccurs when a name duplicate is detected.
1208ERROR_C8DB_ILLEGAL_NAMEOccurs when an illegal name is detected.
1209ERROR_C8DB_NO_INDEXOccurs when no suitable index for the query is known.
1210ERROR_C8DB_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATEDOccurs when there is a unique constraint violation.
1211ERROR_C8DB_VIEW_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when a view with the given identifier or name is unknown.
1212ERROR_C8DB_INDEX_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when an index with a given identifier is unknown.
1213ERROR_C8DB_CROSS_COLLECTION_REQUESTOccurs when a cross-collection is requested.
1214ERROR_C8DB_INDEX_HANDLE_BADOccurs when a index handle is corrupt.
1216ERROR_C8DB_DOCUMENT_TOO_LARGEOccurs when the document cannot fit into any datafile because of it is too large.
1217ERROR_C8DB_COLLECTION_NOT_UNLOADEDOccurs when a collection should be unloaded, but has a different status.
1218ERROR_C8DB_COLLECTION_TYPE_INVALIDOccurs when an invalid collection type is used in a request.
1219ERROR_C8DB_VALIDATION_FAILEDOccurs when the validation of an attribute of a structure failed.
1220ERROR_C8DB_ATTRIBUTE_PARSER_FAILEDOccurs when parsing an attribute name definition failed.
1221ERROR_C8DB_DOCUMENT_KEY_BADOccurs when a document key is corrupt.
1222ERROR_C8DB_DOCUMENT_KEY_UNEXPECTEDOccurs when a user-defined document key is supplied for collections with auto key generation.
1224ERROR_C8DB_DATADIR_NOT_WRITABLEOccurs when the server's database directory is not writable for the current user.
1225ERROR_C8DB_OUT_OF_KEYSOccurs when a key generator runs out of keys.
1226ERROR_C8DB_DOCUMENT_KEY_MISSINGOccurs when a document key is missing.
1227ERROR_C8DB_DOCUMENT_TYPE_INVALIDOccurs when there is an attempt to create a document with an invalid type.
1228ERROR_C8DB_DATABASE_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when a non-existing database is accessed.
1229ERROR_C8DB_DATABASE_NAME_INVALIDOccurs when an invalid database name is used.
1230ERROR_C8DB_USE_SYSTEM_DATABASEOccurs when an operation is requested in a database other than the system database.
1231ERROR_C8DB_ENDPOINT_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when there is an attempt to delete a non-existing endpoint.
1232ERROR_C8DB_INVALID_KEY_GENERATOROccurs when an invalid key generator description is used.
1233ERROR_C8DB_INVALID_EDGE_ATTRIBUTEOccurs when the _from or _to values of an edge are undefined or contain an invalid value.
1234ERROR_C8DB_INDEX_DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTE_MISSINGOccurs when an attempt to insert a document into an index is caused by in the document not having one or more attributes which the index is built on.
1235ERROR_C8DB_INDEX_CREATION_FAILEDOccurs when an attempt to create an index has failed.
1239ERROR_C8DB_DOCUMENT_REV_BADOccurs when a document revision is corrupt or is missing where needed.
1238ERROR_C8DB_COLLECTION_NOT_LOADEDOccurs when a collection is accessed that is not yet loaded.
1237ERROR_C8DB_COLLECTION_TYPE_MISMATCHOccurs when a collection has a different type from what has been expected.
1236ERROR_C8DB_WRITE_THROTTLE_TIMEOUTOccurs when the server is write-throttled and a write operation has waited too long for the server to process queued operations.

Checked Errors (1300-1399)

For errors that occur but are anticipated.

Error #Error NameDescription
1300ERROR_C8DB_DATAFILE_FULLOccurs when the datafile reaches its limit.
1301ERROR_C8DB_EMPTY_DATADIROccurs when encountering an empty server database directory.
1302ERROR_C8DB_TRY_AGAINOccurs when an operation should be retried.
1303ERROR_C8DB_BUSYOccurs when storage engine is busy.
1304ERROR_C8DB_MERGE_IN_PROGRESSOccurs when storage engine has a datafile merge in progress and cannot complete the operation.
1305ERROR_C8DB_IO_ERROROccurs when storage engine encounters an I/O error.

Replication Errors (1400-1449)

Error #Error NameDescription
1400ERROR_REPLICATION_NO_RESPONSEOccurs when the replication applier does not receive any or an incomplete response from the master.
1401ERROR_REPLICATION_INVALID_RESPONSEOccurs when the replication applier receives an invalid response from the master.
1402ERROR_REPLICATION_MASTER_ERROROccurs when the replication applier receives a server error from the master.
1403ERROR_REPLICATION_MASTER_INCOMPATIBLEOccurs when the replication applier connects to a master that has an incompatible version.
1404ERROR_REPLICATION_MASTER_CHANGEOccurs when the replication applier connects to a different master than before.
1405ERROR_REPLICATION_LOOPOccurs when the replication applier is asked to connect to itself for replication.
1406ERROR_REPLICATION_UNEXPECTED_MARKEROccurs when an unexpected marker is found in the replication log stream.
1407ERROR_REPLICATION_INVALID_APPLIER_STATEOccurs when an invalid replication applier state file is found.
1408ERROR_REPLICATION_UNEXPECTED_TRANSACTIONOccurs when an unexpected transaction id is found.
1410ERROR_REPLICATION_INVALID_APPLIER_CONFIGURATIONOccurs when the configuration for the replication applier is invalid.
1411ERROR_REPLICATION_RUNNINGOccurs when there is an attempt to perform an operation while the replication applier is running.
1412ERROR_REPLICATION_APPLIER_STOPPEDSpecial error code used to indicate the replication applier was stopped by a user.
1413ERROR_REPLICATION_NO_START_TICKOccurs when the replication applier is started without a known start tick value.
1414ERROR_REPLICATION_START_TICK_NOT_PRESENTOccurs when the replication applier fetches data using a start tick, but that start tick is not present on the logger server anymore.
1416ERROR_REPLICATION_WRONG_CHECKSUMOccurs when a new born follower submits a wrong checksum.
1417ERROR_REPLICATION_SHARD_NONEMPTYOccurs when a shard is not empty and the follower tries a shortcut.

Cluster Errors (1450-1499)

Error #Error NameDescription
1450ERROR_CLUSTER_NO_AGENCYOccurs when none of the agency servers can be connected to.
1451ERROR_CLUSTER_NO_COORDINATOR_HEADEROccurs when a DB server in a cluster receives a HTTP request without a coordinator header.
1452ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_LOCK_PLANOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster cannot lock the Plan hierarchy in the agency.
1453ERROR_CLUSTER_COLLECTION_ID_EXISTSOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster tries to create a collection and the collection ID already exists.
1454ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_COLLECTION_IN_PLANOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster cannot create an entry for a new collection in the Plan hierarchy in the agency.
1455ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_READ_CURRENT_VERSIONOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster cannot read the Version entry in the Current hierarchy in the agency.
1456ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_COLLECTIONOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster notices that some DBServers report problems when creating shards for a new collection.
1457ERROR_CLUSTER_TIMEOUTOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster runs into a timeout for some cluster wide operation.
1458ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_REMOVE_COLLECTION_IN_PLANOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster cannot remove an entry for a collection in the Plan hierarchy in the agency.
1459ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_REMOVE_COLLECTION_IN_CURRENTOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster cannot remove an entry for a collection in the Current hierarchy in the agency.
1460ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_DATABASE_IN_PLANOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster cannot create an entry for a new database in the Plan hierarchy in the agency.
1461ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_DATABASEOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster notices that some DBServers report problems when creating databases for a new cluster wide database.
1462ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_REMOVE_DATABASE_IN_PLANOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster cannot remove an entry for a database in the Plan hierarchy in the agency.
1463ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_REMOVE_DATABASE_IN_CURRENTOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster cannot remove an entry for a database in the Current hierarchy in the agency.
1464ERROR_CLUSTER_SHARD_GONEOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster cannot determine the shard that is responsible for a given document.
1465ERROR_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_LOSTOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster loses an HTTP connection to a DBserver in the cluster while transferring data.
1466ERROR_CLUSTER_MUST_NOT_SPECIFY_KEYOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster finds that the _key attribute was specified in a sharded collection the uses not only _key as sharding attribute.
1467ERROR_CLUSTER_GOT_CONTRADICTING_ANSWERSOccurs if a coordinator in a cluster gets conflicting results from different shards, which should never happen.
1468ERROR_CLUSTER_NOT_ALL_SHARDING_ATTRIBUTES_GIVENOccurs if a coordinator tries to find out which shard is responsible for a partial document, but cannot do this because not all sharding attributes are specified.
1469ERROR_CLUSTER_MUST_NOT_CHANGE_SHARDING_ATTRIBUTESOccurs if there is an attempt to update the value of a shard attribute.
1470ERROR_CLUSTER_UNSUPPORTEDOccurs when there is an attempt to carry out an operation that is not supported in the context of a sharded collection.
1471ERROR_CLUSTER_ONLY_ON_COORDINATOROccurs if there is an attempt to run a coordinator-only operation on a different type of node.
1472ERROR_CLUSTER_READING_PLAN_AGENCYOccurs if a coordinator or DB server cannot read the Plan in the agency.
1473ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_TRUNCATE_COLLECTIONOccurs if a coordinator cannot truncate all shards of a cluster collection.
1474ERROR_CLUSTER_C8QL_COMMUNICATIONOccurs if the internal communication of the cluster for C8QL produces an error.
1475ERROR_C8DB_DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND_OR_SHARDING_ATTRIBUTES_CHANGEDOccurs when a document with a given identifier or handle is unknown, or if the sharding attributes have been changed in a REPLACE operation in the cluster.
1476ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_DETERMINE_IDOccurs if a cluster server at startup could not determine its own ID from the local info provided.
1477ERROR_CLUSTER_ONLY_ON_DBSERVEROccurs if there is an attempt to run a DBserver-only operation on a different type of node.
1478ERROR_CLUSTER_BACKEND_UNAVAILABLEOccurs if a required DB server can't be reached.
1480ERROR_CLUSTER_AGENCY_STRUCTURE_INVALIDThe structure in the agency is invalid.
1481ERROR_CLUSTER_C8QL_COLLECTION_OUT_OF_SYNCOccurs if a collection needed during query execution is out of sync. This currently can only happen when using satellite collections.
1482ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_INDEX_IN_PLANOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster cannot create an entry for a new index in the Plan hierarchy in the agency.
1483ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_DROP_INDEX_IN_PLANOccurs when a coordinator in a cluster cannot remove an index from the Plan hierarchy in the agency.
1484ERROR_CLUSTER_CHAIN_OF_DISTRIBUTESHARDSLIKEOccurs if one tries to create a collection with a distributeShardsLike attribute which points to another collection that also has one.
1485ERROR_CLUSTER_MUST_NOT_DROP_COLL_OTHER_DISTRIBUTESHARDSLIKEOccurs if one tries to drop a collection to which another collection points with its distributeShardsLike attribute.
1486ERROR_CLUSTER_UNKNOWN_DISTRIBUTESHARDSLIKEOccurs if one tries to create a collection which points to an unknown collection in its distributeShardsLike attribute.
1487ERROR_CLUSTER_INSUFFICIENT_DBSERVERSOccurs if one tries to create a collection with a replicationFactor greater than the available number of DB servers.
1488ERROR_CLUSTER_COULD_NOT_DROP_FOLLOWEROccurs if a follower that ought to be dropped could not be dropped in the agency (under Current).
1489ERROR_CLUSTER_SHARD_LEADER_REFUSES_REPLICATIONOccurs if a replication operation is refused by a shard leader.
1490ERROR_CLUSTER_SHARD_FOLLOWER_REFUSES_OPERATIONOccurs if a non-replication operation is refused by a shard follower.
1491ERROR_CLUSTER_SHARD_LEADER_RESIGNEDOccurs if a non-replication operation is refused by a former shard leader that has found out that it is no longer the leader.
1492ERROR_CLUSTER_AGENCY_COMMUNICATION_FAILEDOccurs if after various retries an agency operation could not be performed successfully.
1493ERROR_CLUSTER_DISTRIBUTE_SHARDS_LIKE_REPLICATION_FACTOROccurs if intended replication factor does not match that of the prototype shard given in distributeShardsLike parameter.
1494ERROR_CLUSTER_DISTRIBUTE_SHARDS_LIKE_NUMBER_OF_SHARDSOccurs if intended number of shards does not match that of the prototype shard given in distributeShardsLike parameter.
1495ERROR_CLUSTER_LEADERSHIP_CHALLENGE_ONGOINGOccurs when servers are currently competing for leadership, and the result is still unknown.
1496ERROR_CLUSTER_NOT_LEADEROccurs when an operation is sent to a non-leading server.

Query Errors (1500-1579)

Error #Error NameDescription
1500ERROR_QUERY_KILLEDOccurs when a running query is killed by an explicit admin command.
1501ERROR_QUERY_PARSEOccurs when query is parsed and is found to be syntactically invalid.
1502ERROR_QUERY_EMPTYOccurs when an empty query is specified.
1503ERROR_QUERY_SCRIPTOccurs when a runtime error is caused by the query.
1504ERROR_QUERY_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGEOccurs when a number is outside the expected range.
1510ERROR_QUERY_VARIABLE_NAME_INVALIDOccurs when an invalid variable name is used.
1511ERROR_QUERY_VARIABLE_REDECLAREDOccurs when a variable gets re-assigned in a query.
1512ERROR_QUERY_VARIABLE_NAME_UNKNOWNOccurs when an unknown variable is used or the variable is undefined the context it is used.
1521ERROR_QUERY_COLLECTION_LOCK_FAILEDOccurs when a read lock on the collection cannot be acquired.
1522ERROR_QUERY_TOO_MANY_COLLECTIONSOccurs when the number of collections in a query is beyond the allowed value.
1530ERROR_QUERY_DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTE_REDECLAREDOccurs when a document attribute is re-assigned.
1540ERROR_QUERY_FUNCTION_NAME_UNKNOWNOccurs when an undefined function is called.
1541ERROR_QUERY_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NUMBER_MISMATCHOccurs when the number of arguments used in a function call does not match the expected number of arguments for the function.
1542ERROR_QUERY_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCHOccurs when the type of an argument used in a function call does not match the expected argument type.
1543ERROR_QUERY_INVALID_REGEXOccurs when an invalid regex argument value is used in a call to a function that expects a regex.
1550ERROR_QUERY_BIND_PARAMETERS_INVALIDOccurs when the structure of bind parameters passed has an unexpected format.
1551ERROR_QUERY_BIND_PARAMETER_MISSINGOccurs when a bind parameter was declared in the query but the query is being executed with no value for that parameter.
1552ERROR_QUERY_BIND_PARAMETER_UNDECLAREDOccurs when a value gets specified for an undeclared bind parameter.
1553ERROR_QUERY_BIND_PARAMETER_TYPEOccurs when a bind parameter has an invalid value or type.
1560ERROR_QUERY_INVALID_LOGICAL_VALUEOccurs when a non-boolean value is used in a logical operation.
1561ERROR_QUERY_INVALID_ARITHMETIC_VALUEOccurs when a non-numeric value is used in an arithmetic operation.
1562ERROR_QUERY_DIVISION_BY_ZEROOccurs when there is an attempt to divide by zero.
1563ERROR_QUERY_ARRAY_EXPECTEDOccurs when a non-array operand is used for an operation that expects an array argument operand.
1569ERROR_QUERY_FAIL_CALLEDOccurs when the function FAIL() is called from inside a query.
1570ERROR_QUERY_GEO_INDEX_MISSINGOccurs when a geo restriction was specified but no suitable geo index is found to resolve it.
1571ERROR_QUERY_FULLTEXT_INDEX_MISSINGOccurs when a fulltext query is performed on a collection without a suitable fulltext index.
1572ERROR_QUERY_INVALID_DATE_VALUEOccurs when a value cannot be converted to a date.
1573ERROR_QUERY_MULTI_MODIFYOccurs when an C8QL query contains more than one data-modifying operation.
1574ERROR_QUERY_INVALID_AGGREGATE_EXPRESSIONOccurs when an C8QL query contains an invalid aggregate expression.
1575ERROR_QUERY_COMPILE_TIME_OPTIONSOccurs when an C8QL data-modification query contains options that cannot be figured out at query compile time.
1576ERROR_QUERY_EXCEPTION_OPTIONSOccurs when an C8QL data-modification query contains an invalid options specification.
1577ERROR_QUERY_COLLECTION_USED_IN_EXPRESSIONOccurs when a collection is used as an operand in an C8QL expression.
1578ERROR_QUERY_DISALLOWED_DYNAMIC_CALLOccurs when a dynamic function call is made to a function that cannot be called dynamically.
1579ERROR_QUERY_ACCESS_AFTER_MODIFICATIONOccurs when collection data are accessed after a data-modification operation.

User Function Errors (1580-1589)

Error #Error NameDescription
1580ERROR_QUERY_FUNCTION_INVALID_NAMEOccurs when a user function with an invalid name is registered.
1581ERROR_QUERY_FUNCTION_INVALID_CODEOccurs when a user function is registered with invalid code.
1582ERROR_QUERY_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when a user function is accessed but not found.
1583ERROR_QUERY_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_ERROROccurs when a user function throws a runtime exception.

Query Registry Errors (1590-1599)

Error #Error NameDescription
1590ERROR_QUERY_BAD_JSON_PLANOccurs when an HTTP API for a query got an invalid JSON object.
1591ERROR_QUERY_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when an ID of a query is not found by the HTTP API.
1592ERROR_QUERY_IN_USEOccurs when an ID of a query is found by the HTTP API but the query is in use.

Cursor Errors (1600-1699)

Error #Error NameDescription
1600ERROR_CURSOR_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when a cursor is requested via its id but a cursor with that ID cannot be found.
1601ERROR_CURSOR_BUSYOccurs when a cursor is requested via its id but a concurrent request is still using the cursor.

User Management Errors (1700-1799)

Error #Error NameDescription
1700ERROR_USER_INVALID_NAMEOccurs when an invalid user name is used.
1701ERROR_USER_INVALID_PASSWORDOccurs when an invalid password is used.
1702ERROR_USER_DUPLICATEOccurs when a user name already exists.
1703ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when a user name is updated that does not exist.
1704ERROR_USER_CHANGE_PASSWORDOccurs when the user must change his password.
1705ERROR_USER_EXTERNALOccurs when the user is authenicated by an external server.

Task Errors (1850-1859)

Error #Error NameDescription
1850ERROR_TASK_INVALID_IDOccurs when a task is created with an invalid ID.
1851ERROR_TASK_DUPLICATE_IDOccurs when a task ID is created with a duplicate ID.
1852ERROR_TASK_NOT_FOUNDOccurs when a task with the specified ID could not be found.

Graph and Traversal Errors (1900-1949)

Error #Error NameDescription
1901ERROR_GRAPH_INVALID_GRAPHOccurs when an invalid name is passed to the server.
1902ERROR_GRAPH_COULD_NOT_CREATE_GRAPHOccurs when an invalid name, vertices, or edges are passed to the server.
1903ERROR_GRAPH_INVALID_VERTEXOccurs when an invalid vertex ID is passed to the server.
1904ERROR_GRAPH_COULD_NOT_CREATE_VERTEXOccurs when the vertex could not be created.
1905ERROR_GRAPH_COULD_NOT_CHANGE_VERTEXOccurs when the vertex could not be changed.
1906ERROR_GRAPH_INVALID_EDGEOccurs when an invalid edge ID is passed to the server.
1907ERROR_GRAPH_COULD_NOT_CREATE_EDGEOccurs when the edge could not be created.
1908ERROR_GRAPH_COULD_NOT_CHANGE_EDGEOccurs when the edge could not be changed.
1909ERROR_GRAPH_TOO_MANY_ITERATIONSOccurs when too many iterations are done in a graph traversal.
1910ERROR_GRAPH_INVALID_FILTER_RESULTOccurs when an invalid filter result is returned in a graph traversal.
1920ERROR_GRAPH_COLLECTION_MULTI_USEAn edge collection may only be used once in one edge definition of a graph.
1921ERROR_GRAPH_COLLECTION_USE_IN_MULTI_GRAPHSCollection is already used by another graph in a different edge definition.
1922ERROR_GRAPH_CREATE_MISSING_NAMEA graph name is required to create a graph.
1923ERROR_GRAPH_CREATE_MALFORMED_EDGE_DEFINITIONThe edge definition is malformed. It has to be an array of objects.
1924ERROR_GRAPH_NOT_FOUNDA graph with this name could not be found.
1925ERROR_GRAPH_DUPLICATEA graph with this name already exists.
1926ERROR_GRAPH_VERTEX_COL_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe specified vertex collection does not exist or is not part of the graph.
1927ERROR_GRAPH_WRONG_COLLECTION_TYPE_VERTEXThe collection is not a vertex collection.
1928ERROR_GRAPH_NOT_IN_ORPHAN_COLLECTIONVertex collection not in orphan collection of the graph.
1929ERROR_GRAPH_COLLECTION_USED_IN_EDGE_DEFThe collection is already used in an edge definition of the graph.
1930ERROR_GRAPH_EDGE_COLLECTION_NOT_USEDThe edge collection is not used in any edge definition of the graph.
1932ERROR_GRAPH_NO_GRAPH_COLLECTIONCollection _graphs does not exist.
1933ERROR_GRAPH_INVALID_EXAMPLE_ARRAY_OBJECT_STRINGInvalid example type. Has to be String, Array, or Object.
1934ERROR_GRAPH_INVALID_EXAMPLE_ARRAY_OBJECTInvalid example type. Has to be Array or Object.
1935ERROR_GRAPH_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTSInvalid number of arguments.
1936ERROR_GRAPH_INVALID_PARAMETERInvalid parameter type.
1938ERROR_GRAPH_COLLECTION_USED_IN_ORPHANSThe collection is already used in the orphans of the graph.
1939ERROR_GRAPH_EDGE_COL_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe specified edge collection does not exist or is not part of the graph.
1940ERROR_GRAPH_EMPTYThe requested graph has no edge collections.

Session Errors (1950-1999)

Error #Error NameDescription
1950ERROR_SESSION_UNKNOWNOccurs when an invalid/unknown session ID is passed to the server.
1951ERROR_SESSION_EXPIREDOccurs when a session is expired.

Communicator Errors (2100-2199)

Error #Error NameDescription
2101COMMUNICATOR_DISABLEDCommunication was disabled.

Cluster Repair Errors (5000-5099)

Error #Error NameDescription
5000ERROR_CLUSTER_REPAIRS_FAILEDGeneral error during cluster repairs
5001ERROR_CLUSTER_REPAIRS_NOT_ENOUGH_HEALTHYOccurs when, during repairDistributeShardsLike, there must be a free DB server to move a shard, but there is no candidate or none is healthy.
5002ERROR_CLUSTER_REPAIRS_REPLICATION_FACTOR_VIOLATEDOccurs on various inconsistencies regarding the replication factor.
5003ERROR_CLUSTER_REPAIRS_NO_DBSERVERSOccurs if a collection that is fixed has some shard without DB servers.
5004ERROR_CLUSTER_REPAIRS_MISMATCHING_LEADERSOccurs if a shard in collection and its prototype in the corresponding distributeShardsLike collection have mismatching leaders (when they should already have been fixed).
5005ERROR_CLUSTER_REPAIRS_MISMATCHING_FOLLOWERSOccurs if a shard in collection and its prototype in the corresponding distributeShardsLike collection don't have the same followers (when they should already have been adjusted).
5006ERROR_CLUSTER_REPAIRS_INCONSISTENT_ATTRIBUTESOccurs if a collection that is fixed does (not) have distributeShardsLike when it is expected, or does (not) have repairingDistributeShardsLike when it is expected.
5007ERROR_CLUSTER_REPAIRS_MISMATCHING_SHARDSOccurs if in a collection and its distributeShardsLike prototype collection some shard and its prototype have an unequal number of DB servers.
5008ERROR_CLUSTER_REPAIRS_JOB_FAILEDOccurs if a move shard job in the agency failed during cluster repairs.
5009ERROR_CLUSTER_REPAIRS_JOB_DISAPPEAREDOccurs if a move shard job in the agency cannot be found anymore before it finished.
5010ERROR_CLUSTER_REPAIRS_OPERATION_FAILEDOccurs if an agency transaction failed during either sending or executing it.

Agency Errors (20000-20099)

Error #Error NameDescription
20001ERROR_AGENCY_INQUIRY_SYNTAXInquiry handles a list of string clientIds: [clientId, ...].
20011ERROR_AGENCY_INFORM_MUST_BE_OBJECTThe inform message in the agency must be an object.
20012ERROR_AGENCY_INFORM_MUST_CONTAIN_TERMThe inform message in the agency must contain a uint parameter 'term'.
20013ERROR_AGENCY_INFORM_MUST_CONTAIN_IDThe inform message in the agency must contain a string parameter 'id'.
20014ERROR_AGENCY_INFORM_MUST_CONTAIN_ACTIVEThe inform message in the agency must contain an array 'active'.
20015ERROR_AGENCY_INFORM_MUST_CONTAIN_POOLThe inform message in the agency must contain an object 'pool'.
20016ERROR_AGENCY_INFORM_MUST_CONTAIN_MIN_PINGThe inform message in the agency must contain an object 'min ping'.
20017ERROR_AGENCY_INFORM_MUST_CONTAIN_MAX_PINGThe inform message in the agency must contain an object 'max ping'.
20018ERROR_AGENCY_INFORM_MUST_CONTAIN_TIMEOUT_MULTThe inform message in the agency must contain an object 'timeoutMult'.
20021ERROR_AGENCY_CANNOT_REBUILD_DBSOccurs if the readDB or the spearHead cannot be rebuilt from the replicated log.

Supervision Errors (20500-20599)

Error #Error NameDescription
20501ERROR_SUPERVISION_GENERAL_FAILUREGeneral supervision failure.

Dispatcher Errors (21000-21099)

Error #Error NameDescription
21001ERROR_DISPATCHER_IS_STOPPINGWill be returned if a shutdown is in progress.
21002ERROR_QUEUE_UNKNOWNWill be returned if a queue with this name does not exist.
21003ERROR_QUEUE_FULLWill be returned if a queue with this name is full.