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Manage Origin Settings

Prerender offers different options for viewing and managing your origin settings.

  • Origin Settings tab - In the Origin Settings tab in the web console, you can view and update information about each origin. To add a new origin domain, contact Macrometa Support. Prerender Origin Settings Tab
  • REST API - Macrometa provides API calls that allow you to view and update origin settings.

View Origin Settings

Follow these instructions to view origin settings in the web console.

  1. Log in to your Prerender dashboard.
  2. Click Origin Settings.

Origin Settings Fields

Prerender provides the following origin settings. Field names in the web console are different than those in the API responses. Refer to the API endpoint documentation for a full explanation.

  • Origin URL - URL of the origin.
  • Sitemap - Sitemap, if one is associated with the origin.
  • Caching - Indicates if caching is active for this origin.
  • Cache Expiration - Amount of time a page remains in the cache before expiring.
  • Date Added - Date the origin was added.
  • Actions - Icons allow you to edit or delete origins.

Create an Origin

Follow these instructions to add new origin settings in the web console. To add a new origin domain, contact Macrometa Support.

  1. Log in to your Prerender dashboard.
  2. Click Origin Settings.
  3. Click Add Origin URL.
  4. Enter values in the following fields:
    • Subdomain - (Optional) Enter the subdomain of the domain that you want to prerender.
    • Domain - Select the domain that you want to prerender.
    • Sitemap Paths - (Optional) Click Add Sitemap Path and then add the path to the sitemap. This is needed if you want Prerender to prefetch the URLs in your site.
    • Enable Caching - Click to turn on caching, then select the cache expiration time (also called time to live or ttl) in days.
  5. Click Add.

Prerender Add Origin URL

Update an Origin

Follow these instructions to update origin settings in the web console.

  1. Log in to your Prerender dashboard.
  2. Click Origin Settings.
  3. In the Actions column, click the pencil icon to open the Edit Origin URL window.
  4. Enter new values in fields and then click Update.

Delete an Origin

Follow these instructions to delete origin settings in the web console.

  1. Log in to your Prerender dashboard.
  2. Click Origin Settings.
  3. In the Actions column, click the red X next to the origin that you want to delete.
  4. Click Confirm.