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REST API Graph Example

This page shows you how to perform a basic graph workflow using the Macrometa API.

Why Use the API?

An edge collection contains edge documents and shares its namespace with all other types of collections. You can manage edge documents via standard collection API wrappers, but using edge collection API wrappers provides additional safeguards:

  • All modifications are executed in transactions.
  • Edge documents are checked against the edge definitions on insert.

To create an edge collection, use the same endpoint /_fabric/{fabric_name}/_api/collection and pass type:3 in the payload.

For more information about using Macrometa APIs, refer to APIs.


Graph API Example

""" This file is a demo on using edge collections and graphs """
import json
import requests

# Constants
URL = ""
HTTP_URL = f"https://{URL}"
GEO_FABRIC = "_system"
API_KEY = "my API key" # Change to your API key

COLLECTION_NAME_1 = "teachers"
COLLECTION_NAME_2 = "lectures"
EDGE_COLL_NAME = "teach"
GRAPH_NAME = "lectureteacher"

DELETE_GRAPH = True # Change to False if you want to keep the graph
DELETE_COLLECTIONS = True # Change to False if you want to keep the collections

# Create a HTTPS Session
session = requests.session()
session.headers.update({"content-type": 'application/json'})
session.headers.update({"authorization": "apikey " + API_KEY})

# Create Document Collections and Insert Data
url = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{GEO_FABRIC}/_api/collection"
payload = {'name': COLLECTION_NAME_1}

resp =, data=json.dumps(payload))
result = json.loads(resp.text)
print("\nDocument collection 1 created: ", result)

payload = {'name': COLLECTION_NAME_2}

resp =, data=json.dumps(payload))
result = json.loads(resp.text)
print("\nDocument collection 2 created: ", result)

payload = [
'_key': 'Jean',
'firstname': 'Jean',
'lastname': 'Picard',
'email': ''
'_key': 'James',
'firstname': 'James',
'lastname': 'Kirk',
'email': ''
'_key': 'Han',
'firstname': 'Han',
'lastname': 'Solo',
'email': ''
'_key': 'Bruce',
'firstname': 'Bruce',
'lastname': 'Wayne',
'email': ''

url = f"{HTTP_URL}/_api/document/{COLLECTION_NAME_1}"
resp =, data=json.dumps(payload))
result = json.loads(resp.text)
print("\nDocuments inserted: ", result)

payload = [
{'_id': 'lectures/CSC101', 'difficulty': 'easy', '_key': 'CSC101', 'firstname': 'Jean'},
{'_id': 'lectures/CSC102', 'difficulty': 'hard', '_key': 'CSC102', 'firstname': 'Jean'},
{'_id': 'lectures/CSC103', 'difficulty': 'hard', '_key': 'CSC103', 'firstname': 'Jean'},
{'_id': 'lectures/CSC104', 'difficulty': 'moderate', '_key': 'CSC104', 'firstname': 'Jean'}

url = f"{HTTP_URL}/_api/document/{COLLECTION_NAME_2}"
resp =, data=json.dumps(payload))
result = json.loads(resp.text)
print("\nDocuments inserted: ", result)

# Create Edge Collection
payload = {'name': EDGE_COLL_NAME, "type": 3}

url = f"{HTTP_URL}/_fabric/{GEO_FABRIC}/_api/collection"
resp =, data=json.dumps(payload))
result = json.loads(resp.text)
print("\nEdge Collection created: ", result)

payload = [
'_key': 'Jean-CSC101',
'_from': 'teachers/Jean',
'_to': 'lectures/CSC101',
'online': False
'_key': 'Jean-CSC102',
'_from': 'teachers/Jean',
'_to': 'lectures/CSC102',
'online': True
'_key': 'Jean-CSC103',
'_from': 'teachers/Jean',
'_to': 'lectures/CSC103',
'online': False
'_key': 'Bruce-CSC101',
'_from': 'teachers/Bruce',
'_to': 'lectures/CSC101',
'online': True

url = f"{HTTP_URL}/_api/document/{EDGE_COLL_NAME}"
resp =, data=json.dumps(payload))
result = json.loads(resp.text)
print("\nDocuments inserted: ", result)

# Create a Graph
payload = {
"edgeDefinitions": [
"collection": EDGE_COLL_NAME,
"from": ["teachers"],
"to": ["lectures"]
"name": GRAPH_NAME,
"options": {}

url = f"{HTTP_URL}/_api/graph"
resp =, data=json.dumps(payload))
result = json.loads(resp.text)
print("\nGraph created: ", result)

# Graph Traversal
# Set `direction` to `out` or `in` for outbound or inbound traversal.
params = {
"vertex": "teachers/Jean",
"direction": "out"

url = f"{HTTP_URL}/_api/edges/{EDGE_COLL_NAME}"

resp = session.get(url, params=params)
result = json.loads(resp.text)
print("\nGraph traversal: ", result)

# Delete Graph and Collections
# Set `DELETE_GRAPH` and `DELETE_COLLECTIONS` to `False` if you want to keep the graph and collections.
params = {"dropCollections": DELETE_COLLECTIONS}

url = f"{HTTP_URL}/_api/graph/{GRAPH_NAME}"

resp = session.delete(url, params=params)
result = json.loads(resp.text)
print("Graph and Collections Deleted: ", result)