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Manage APIs

pCDN offers its numerous endpoints that allow you to interact with their Stargate instance and perform tasks with these features:


This API listens on port 9080 and starts with the URL /api/stargate/v1/. Obtain an API key from the Stargate team to authenticate the API.


  • ID: A unique string identifier used by the API.
    • Syntax: IDs must only contain uppercase, lowercase, numbers and no special characters apart from dashes ( - ), periods ( . ) and underscores ( _ ).


These are entry points for requests and direct these requests to upstream destination addresses.

Request Methods

MethodsRequest URIRequest bodyDescription
GET/api/stargate/v1/routesNullRetrieves a list of all configured routes
POST/api/stargate/v1/routes{...}Creates a new route and assigns it a random ID
GET/api/stargate/v1/routes/{id}NullFetches a specific route by ID
PUT/api/stargate/v1/routes/{id}{...}Updates a specific route
DELETE/api/stargate/v1/routes/{id}NullDeletes a specific route
PATCH/api/stargate/v1/routes/{id}{...}Partially update a route with the specified attributes in the request body

Request body parameters

namefalsestringName of the route
uriTruestringURI of route
descFalsestringDescription of the route
priorityFalseintegerPriority of route. Higher int values indicate higher priority.
methodsfalsestringHTTP methods allowed for the route
hostFalsestringhostname for the route
hostsFalsestringList of hostnames for the route.
remote_addrFalsestringClient IP address
varsFalsestringVariables for conditional routing
pluginsFalseobjectPlugin configuration for the route
scriptFalseobjectScript configuration for the route
upstreamFalseupstreamupstream configuration
upstream_idFalseupstreamupstream ID
service_idFalseserviceservice id

Sample requests

  1. Get a list of all the routes
  • Request
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-API-KEY: xxx'
  • Response

{"total": 4,
"list": [
{"route1"}, {"route2"}, {..}
  1. Create a new route
  • Request
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-API-KEY: xxx' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"uri": "/api/v1/products",
"name": "product-service",
"desc": "Product service API route",
"priority": 0,
"methods": [
"host": "",
"remote_addr": "",
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": {
"": 1
"timeout": {
"connect": 6,
"send": 6,
"read": 6
"enable_websocket": false,
"status": 1
  • Response
"key": "/apisix/00000000000000000023",
"value": {
"remote_addr": "",
"name": "product-service",
"uri": "/api/v1/products",
"create_time": 1732619112,
"methods": [
"update_time": 1732619112,
"id": "00000000000000000023",
"priority": 0,
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"timeout": {
"connect": 6,
"send": 6,
"read": 6
"pass_host": "pass",
"nodes": {
"": 1
"hash_on": "vars",
"scheme": "http"
"enable_websocket": false,
"status": 1,
"desc": "Product service API route",
"host": ""
  1. Next, we'll retrieve our newly created route with its ID
  • Request
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-API-KEY: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1'
  • Response

This returns the route we created in sample request 2.


The destination address for a route that uses a set of nodes for load balancing.

Request methods

MethodsRequest URIRequest bodyDescription
GET/api/stargate/v1/upstreamsNullRetrieves a list of all configured upstreams
POST/api/stargate/v1/upstreams{...}Creates a new upstream and assigns it a random ID
GET/api/stargate/v1/upstreams/{id}NullFetches a specific upstream by ID
PUT/api/stargate/v1/upstreams/{id}{...}Updates the attributes of a specific upstream
DELETE/api/stargate/v1/upstreams/{id}NullDeletes a specific upstream
PATCH/api/stargate/v1/upstreams/{id}{...}Partially update an upstream with the specified attributes in the request body.

Sample requests

  1. Retrieve a list of all upstreams
  • Request
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-API-KEY: xxxx'
  • Response
"total": 3,
"list": [
{"..."}, {"..."}
  1. Get a specific upstream by ID
  • Request
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-API-KEY: xxxx'
  • Response
"key": "/apisix/upstreams/542123779577348739",
"value": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"id": "542123779577348739",
"create_time": 1732660553,
"scheme": "http",
"update_time": 1732660553,
"keepalive_pool": {
"requests": 1000,
"size": 320,
"idle_timeout": 60
"pass_host": "pass",
"nodes": {
"": 1
"timeout": {
"connect": 6,
"send": 6,
"read": 6
"name": "test-upstream"
"modifiedIndex": 29,
"createdIndex": 29


These are the users of the services and help in authentication before accessing the APIs in the API gateway.

Request methods

MethodsRequest URIRequest bodyDescription
GET/api/stargate/v1/consumersNullRetrieves a list of all consumers
POST/api/stargate/v1/consumers{...}Creates a new consumer
GET/api/stargate/v1/consumers/{username}NullFetches a specific consumer by username
PUT/api/stargate/v1/consumers/{username}{...}Updates a consumer
DELETE/api/stargate/v1/consumers/{username}NullDeletes a consumer with the specified username
PATCH/api/stargate/v1/consumers/{username}{...}Partially update a consumer


Reduce the redundancy by bounding routes with the same plugins and upstreams together.

Request methods

MethodsRequest URIRequest bodyDescription
GET/api/stargate/v1/servicesNullRetrieves a list of all configured services
POST/api/stargate/v1/services{...}Creates a new service and assigns it a random ID
GET/api/stargate/v1/services/{id}NullFetches a specific service by ID
PUT/api/stargate/v1/services/{id}{...}Updates the attributes of a specific service
DELETE/api/stargate/v1/services/{id}NullDeletes a specific service
PATCH/api/stargate/v1/services/{id}{...}Partially update a specific service
GET/api/stargate/vi/services/{id}/pluginsNullLists all the plugins for a specific service

Sample requests

  1. Retrieve a list of all the services
  • Request
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-API-KEY: xxxx'
  • Response
"total": 0,
"list": {}
  1. Partially update a service. Here, we're updating the name and description for an existing service.
  • Request
curl -X 'PATCH' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-API-KEY: xxxx' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "second-sample",
"desc": "A service to test the Stargate API",
"labels": {},
"enable_websocket": true,
"plugins": {},
"upstream": {}
  • Response
"key": "/apisix/services/542127482057261699",
"value": {
"name": "second-sample",
"create_time": 1732662759,
"update_time": 1732662889,
"labels": {},
"plugins": {},
"id": "542127482057261699",
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"timeout": {
"connect": 6,
"send": 6,
"read": 6
"pass_host": "pass",
"nodes": {
"": 1
"hash_on": "vars",
"scheme": "http",
"keepalive_pool": {
"requests": 1000,
"size": 320,
"idle_timeout": 60
"desc": "A service to test the Stargate API",
"enable_websocket": true


Customizable components that enables you to extend the functionalities of the pCDN service.

Request methods

MethodsRequest URIRequest bodyDescription
GET/api/stargate/v1/servicesNullRetrieves a list of all configured services
POST/api/stargate/v1/services{...}Creates a new service and assigns it a random ID
GET/api/stargate/v1/services/{id}NullFetches a specific service by ID
PUT/api/stargate/v1/services/{id}{...}Updates the attributes of a specific service
DELETE/api/stargate/v1/services/{id}NullDeletes a specific service
PATCH/api/stargate/v1/services/{id}{...}Partially update a specific service
GET/api/stargate/vi/services/{id}/pluginsNullLists all the plugins for a specific service

Sample requests

  1. Retrieve the plugin schema of a plugin. This example retrieves the schema of the limit-count plugin.
  • Request
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-API-KEY: xxxx'
  • Response

This returns a json object with the details of the limit-count plugin.


  1. Warm up cache
  • Request

  • Response


Store API responses according to content needs for faster loading times and improved performance.

Request methods

MethodsRequest URIRequest bodyDescription
GET/api/stargate/v1/caches/{cache_zone}NullLists cache entries in the specified cache zone
DELETE/api/stargate/v1/caches/{cache_zone}{... }Purges cache entries matching the regex in the given cache zone
POST/api/stargate/v1/caches/warmer{"urls": [...]}Initiates a job to warm up the cache with the specified URLs

Sample Cache Requests

  1. List Cache Entries
  • Request:
GET /api/stargate/v1/caches/my-cache-zone HTTP/1.1Host: api.example.comX-API-KEY: your-api-key


{  "total": 3,  "entries": [    { "name": "cache-key-1", "size": 1024 },    { "name": "cache-key-2", "size": 2048 },    { "name": "cache-key-3", "size": 512 }  ]}
  1. Purge Cache Entries
  • Request:

DELETE /api/stargate/v1/caches/my-cache-zone HTTP/1.1Host: api.example.comX-API-KEY: your-api-keyContent-Type: application/json{ "pattern": "user-session-*"}
  • Response:

{ "jobId": "job-12345", "message": "Cache purge job started."}
  1. Warm Up Cache
  • Request:

POST /api/stargate/v1/caches/warmer HTTP/1.1Host: api.example.comX-API-KEY: your-api-keyContent-Type: application/json{ "urls": [ "", "" ]}
  • Response:

{ "jobId": "job-67890", "message": "Cache warming job started."}


Schedule and perform cache tasks on your APIs.

Request methods

MethodsRequest URIRequest bodyDescription
GET/api/stargate/v1/jobsNullRetrieves a list of all jobs
GET/api/stargate/v1/jobs/{jobId}NullFetches the status and details of a specific job by its ID

Sample requests

  1. List all jobs
  • Request
GET /api/stargate/v1/jobs HTTP/1.1Host: api.example.comX-API-KEY: your-api-key
  • Response
{  "total": 2,  "jobs": [    { "id": "job-12345", "type": "cache_purge", "status": "completed", "created_at": "2024-11-20T10:00:00Z" },    { "id": "job-67890", "type": "cache_warm", "status": "running", "created_at": "2024-11-25T12:00:00Z" }  ]}
  1. Get job status
  • Request
GET  /api/stargate/v1/jobs/job-12345 HTTP/1.1Host: api.example.comX-API-KEY: your-api-key`
  • Response
{  "id": "job-12345",  "type": "cache_purge",  "status": "completed",  "created_at": "2024-11-20T10:00:00Z",  "updated_at": "2024-11-20T10:05:00Z"}