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Manage Click Interaction Policies

Prerender uses policies to manage every synthetic interaction. This page will guide you through creating and managing click policies by using the web console and API Reference.

View Click Policies

Follow these instructions to view click policies in the web console.

  1. Log in to your Prerender dashboard.
  2. Click Synthetic Interactions.
  3. Select an origin to view the click policies.
  4. Click to expand Click to view existing policies.

Explore the Fields in a Click Policy

Prerender provides the following information about click synthetic interaction policies.


Field names in the web console are different than those in the API responses. Refer to the API documentation to test the endpoints.

Global Policy

Global policies are applied to all origin URLs. The following fields are found in a global policy:

  • Sequence - Policy execution order.
  • Status - Whether the policy is active or inactive.
  • HTML Selector - Identifier that tells Prerendering where to apply the synthetic interaction.
  • Wait After - Waiting time (in milliseconds) after the policy is executed.
  • Devices - Icons indicating whether the policy is for desktop devices, mobile devices, or both.
  • Actions - Click an icon to edit or delete a policy.

Specific Policy

Specific policies are applied only to the URLs specified in the policy. If the policies conflict, then the specific policy takes precedence.

  • Sequence - Policy execution order.
  • Status - Whether the policy is active or inactive.
  • URL Paths - Origin paths where the specific policy is evaluated to be executed.
  • Operator - Equal or Not equal.
  • HTML Selector - HTML selector where the policy is executed. For more information about HTML selectors, refer to using HTML Selectors.
  • Wait After - Waiting time (in milliseconds) after the policy is executed.
  • Devices - Icons indicating whether the policy is for desktop devices, mobile devices, or both.
  • Actions - Click an icon to edit or delete a policy.

Add Click Policies

Follow these instructions to add a new click policy in the web console.

  1. Log in to your Prerender dashboard.
  2. Click Synthetic Interactions.
  3. Select the origin that you want to create the new policy for.
  4. Click Add Policy.
  5. In the Interaction Type field, select Click.
  6. Leave the Active toggle on if you want to activate the policy immediately, else, click to turn it off.
  7. In the Interaction Scope field, select one of the following:
    • Global - The policy will apply to all origin URLs.
    • Specific - (Default) The policy will apply only to specific URL paths.
  8. In the Device Type field, select one of the following:
    • Desktop - Policy will apply only to desktop devices.
    • Mobile - Policy will apply only to mobile devices.
    • All - (Default) Policy will apply to both desktop and mobile devices.
  9. In the Waiting Time After Interaction Execution field, enter the time in milliseconds that Prerendering should wait after executing the interaction before executing the next interaction.
  10. In the HTML Selector field, enter the htmlSelector that you want the policy to execute upon.
  11. (Specific policies only) In URL Paths, enter one or more URL paths to which the policy will either apply or be excluded from, depending on which operator you select.
  12. (Specific policies only) In the Operator field, select on of the following:
    • Equal - Applies the policy to all specified URL paths.
    • Not equal - Applies the policy to all origin URLs except the specified URL paths.
  13. Click Add Policy.

Add Click Policy

Update Click Policies

Follow these instructions to update a click interaction policy in the web console.

  1. Log in to your Prerender dashboard.
  2. Click Synthetic Interactions.
  3. Select the origin for which you want to edit a policy.
  4. Click to expand Click.
  5. In the Actions field, click the pencil icon next to the policy that you want to edit.
  6. Update any values desired and then click Update.

Update Click Policy Sequence

Follow these instructions to update the order in which click interaction policies are performed in the web console. There is no API endpoint to perform this task.

  1. Log in to your Prerender dashboard.
  2. Click Synthetic Interactions.
  3. Select the origin for which you want to edit a policy.
  4. Click to expand Click.
  5. Click the arrows next to the policies to reorder them.
  6. When you are satisfied with the order, click Update Sequence.
  7. Click Confirm.

Update Click Policy Sequence

Delete Click Policies

Follow these instructions to delete a click interaction policy in the web console.

  1. Log in to your Prerender dashboard.
  2. Click Synthetic Interactions.
  3. Select the origin for which you want to delete a policy.
  4. Click to expand Click.
  5. In the Actions field, click the red X icon next to the policy that you want to delete.
  6. Click Confirm.