Unit Conversion Functions
Efficient data analysis often requires converting values from one unit of measurement to another. Macrometa GDN Stream Workers provide a comprehensive set of unit conversion functions that make it easy for users to transform various units within their streaming data pipelines. These functions help ensure that data is consistently represented, enabling accurate analysis and decision-making.
In this section, you will find an overview of the unit conversion functions available within stream workers. These functions cover a wide range of measurements, including distance, time, mass, and more. By offering a diverse collection of conversion tools, stream workers help users tackle a variety of data transformation challenges.
📄️ MmTokm (Function)
This converts the input given in megameters into kilometers.
📄️ cmToft (Function)
This converts the input given in centimeters into feet.
📄️ cmToin (Function)
This converts the input given in centimeters into inches.
📄️ cmTokm (Function)
This converts the input value given in centimeters into kilometers.
📄️ cmTom (Function)
This converts the input given in centimeters into meters.
📄️ cmTomi (Function)
This converts the input given in centimeters into miles.
📄️ cmTomm (Function)
This converts the input given in centimeters into millimeters.
📄️ cmTonm (Function)
This converts the input given in centimeters into nanometers.
📄️ cmToum (Function)
This converts the input in centimeters into micrometers.
📄️ cmToyd (Function)
This converts the input given in centimeters into yards.
📄️ dToh (Function)
This converts the input given in days into hours.
📄️ gTokg (Function)
This converts the input given in grams into kilograms.
📄️ gTomg (Function)
This converts the input given in grams into milligrams.
📄️ gToug (Function)
This converts the input given in grams into micrograms.
📄️ hTom (Function)
This converts the input given in hours into minutes.
📄️ hTos (Function)
This converts the input given in hours into seconds.
📄️ kgToLT (Function)
This converts the input given in kilograms into imperial tons.
📄️ kgToST (Function)
This converts the input given in kilograms into US tons.
📄️ kgToStone (Function)
This function converts the input given in kilograms into imperial stones.
📄️ kgTog (Function)
This converts the input given in kilograms into grams.
📄️ kgTolb (Function)
This converts the input given in kilograms into pounds.
📄️ kgTooz (Function)
This converts the input given in kilograms into ounces.
📄️ kgTot (Function)
This converts the input given in kilograms into tonnes.
📄️ kmTocm (Function)
This converts the input given in kilometers into centimeters.
📄️ kmToft (Function)
This converts the input given in kilometers into feet.
📄️ kmToin (Function)
This converts the input given in kilometers into inches.
📄️ kmTom (Function)
This converts the input given in kilometers into meters.
📄️ kmTomi (Function)
This converts the input given in kilometers into miles.
📄️ kmTomm (Function)
This converts the input given in kilometers into millimeters.
📄️ kmTonm (Function)
This converts the input given in kilometers into nanometers.
📄️ kmToum (Function)
This converts the input given in kilometers into micrometers.
📄️ kmToyd (Function)
This converts the input given in kilometers into yards.
📄️ lTom3 (Function)
This converts the input given in liters into cubic meters.
📄️ lToml (Function)
This converts the input given in liters into milliliters.
📄️ m3Tol (Function)
This converts the input given in cubic meters into liters.
📄️ mTocm (Function)
This converts the input given in meters into centimeters.
📄️ mToft (Function)
This converts the input given in meters into feet.
📄️ mTomm (Function)
This converts the input given in meters into millimeters.
📄️ mTos (Function)
This converts the input given in minutes into seconds.
📄️ mToyd (Function)
This converts the input given in meters into yards.
📄️ miTokm (Function)
This converts the input given in miles into kilometers.
📄️ mlTol (Function)
This converts the input given in milliliters into liters.
📄️ sToms (Function)
This converts the input given in seconds into milliseconds.
📄️ sTons (Function)
This converts the input given in seconds into nanoseconds.
📄️ sTous (Function)
This converts the input given in seconds into microseconds.
📄️ tTog (Function)
This converts the input given in tonnes into grams.
📄️ tTokg (Function)
This converts the input given in tonnes into kilograms.
📄️ yTod (Function)
This converts the given input in years into days.