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Data Anonymization with Stream Workers

The anonymizer function is an extension in Macrometa's Stream Workers that allows you to replace sensitive data with fake data that resembles the original. This function can be used to obfuscate various data types, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and more. By using this function, you can ensure the privacy and protection of sensitive data while still retaining its structure and format.

For more technical information, refer to the anonymizer documentation.

Why Anonymize Data?

Anonymizing sensitive data is essential for complying with data protection regulations and safeguarding user privacy. The anonymizer function is useful in the following situations:

  1. Protecting personally identifiable information (PII) in healthcare or financial records
  2. Anonymizing user data in application logs and analytics
  3. Ensuring privacy in user-generated content or feedback
  4. Complying with data protection laws and regulations, such as GDPR
  5. Enhancing security and reducing the risk of data breaches

Stream Worker Examples

These examples demonstrate different levels of complexity, showcasing how to anonymize data and perform additional data processing tasks in various industries. By understanding and implementing anonymization in your data processing workflows, you can protect sensitive information while still gaining valuable insights.

Example 1: Anonymizing Customer Names in a Data Stream

CREATE STREAM CustomerDataStream (fullName string, age int, city string);
CREATE SINK STREAM AnonymizedNamesStream (fullName string, age int, city string);

@info(name = 'anonymizeCustomerNames')
INSERT INTO AnonymizedNamesStream
SELECT pii:fake(fullName, "NAME_FULLNAME", false) as fullName,
FROM CustomerDataStream;

In this example, a CustomerDataStream is created to store customer data with attributes fullName, age, and city. An AnonymizedNamesStream sink stream is created to store the anonymized customer data with the same attributes: fullName, age, and city.

The anonymizeCustomerNames query processes events from the CustomerDataStream. It anonymizes the fullName attribute using the pii:fake function, replacing the original names with fake full names. The anonymized fullName, age, and city are then inserted into the AnonymizedNamesStream sink stream. This process maintains the age and city data while providing privacy for customer names.

Example 2: Anonymizing Patient Records and Categorizing by Age Range

CREATE STREAM PatientRecordsStream (fullName string, ssn string, age int, city string);
CREATE SINK STREAM AnonymizedRecordsStream (fullName string, ssn string, ageRange string, city string);

CREATE TABLE AgeRangeTable (minAge int, maxAge int, _key string);
CREATE TRIGGER StartTrigger WITH ( expression = 'start' );

-- Inserting age range reference records into AgeRangeTable when the stream worker is started
SELECT 0 as minAge, 17 as maxAge, '0-17' as _key
FROM StartTrigger;
SELECT 18 as minAge, 34 as maxAge, '18-34' as _key
FROM StartTrigger;
SELECT 35 as minAge, 64 as maxAge, '35-64' as _key
FROM StartTrigger;
SELECT 65 as minAge, 200 as maxAge, '65+' as _key
FROM StartTrigger;

-- Anonymize patient data and get age range from AgeRangeTable
@info(name = 'anonymizePatientData')
INSERT INTO AnonymizedRecordsStream
SELECT pii:fake(fullName, "NAME_FULLNAME", false) as fullName,
pii:fake(ssn, "ID_SSN", false) as ssn,
ar._key as ageRange,
FROM PatientRecordsStream as pr
JOIN AgeRangeTable as ar ON pr.age >= ar.minAge AND pr.age <= ar.maxAge;

In this example, a PatientRecordsStream is created to store patient records with attributes fullName, ssn, age, and city. An AnonymizedRecordsStream sink stream is created to store the anonymized records with attributes fullName, ssn, ageRange, and city.

An AgeRangeTable is created to store age ranges and their corresponding labels. A trigger named StartTrigger is created with the expression 'start' to execute the associated queries when the Siddhi application starts.

Four INSERT INTO AgeRangeTable queries are defined to populate the AgeRangeTable with age ranges and their corresponding labels when the Siddhi application starts.

The anonymizePatientData query processes events from the PatientRecordsStream. It anonymizes the fullName and ssn attributes using the pii:fake function. The query then joins the PatientRecordsStream with the AgeRangeTable to determine the age range for each patient based on their age. The anonymized fullName, ssn, age range, and city are then inserted into the AnonymizedRecordsStream sink stream.

Example 3: Anonymizing IoT Device Data and Generating Device Statistics Alerts

CREATE STREAM IoTDeviceDataStream (fullName string, address string, email string, deviceID string, eventType string, value double);
CREATE SINK STREAM AnonymizedIoTDataStream (fullName string, address string, email string, deviceID string, eventType string, value double, _key string);
CREATE TABLE DeviceStatisticsTable (_key string, deviceID string, totalEvents long, minValue double, maxValue double, avgValue double);
CREATE SINK STREAM DeviceStatisticsAlertsStream (deviceID string, eventType string, minValue double, maxValue double, avgValue double);

@info(name = 'anonymizeIoTData')
INSERT INTO AnonymizedIoTDataStream
SELECT pii:fake(fullName, "NAME_FULLNAME", false) as fullName,
pii:fake(address, "ADDRESS_FULLADDRESS", false) as address,
pii:fake(email, "INTERNET_EMAILADDRESS", false) as email,
pii:fake(deviceID, "INTERNET_UUID", false) as deviceID,
str:concat(pii:fake(deviceID, "INTERNET_UUID", false), time:currentDate()) AS _key
FROM IoTDeviceDataStream;

@info(name = 'updateDeviceStatistics')
UPDATE DeviceStatisticsTable
SET DeviceStatisticsTable.totalEvents = totalEvents, DeviceStatisticsTable.minValue = minValue, DeviceStatisticsTable.maxValue = maxValue, DeviceStatisticsTable.avgValue = avgValue
ON DeviceStatisticsTable._key == _key
SELECT _key,
count(value) as totalEvents,
min(value) as minValue,
max(value) as maxValue,
avg(value) as avgValue
FROM AnonymizedIoTDataStream WINDOW SLIDING_TIME(1 day)
GROUP BY deviceID;

@info(name = 'insertDeviceStatistics')
INSERT INTO DeviceStatisticsTable
SELECT _key,
count(value) as totalEvents,
min(value) as minValue,
max(value) as maxValue,
avg(value) as avgValue
FROM AnonymizedIoTDataStream WINDOW SLIDING_TIME(1 day)
GROUP BY deviceID;

@info(name = 'sendDeviceStatisticsAlerts')
INSERT INTO DeviceStatisticsAlertsStream
SELECT e.deviceID, i.eventType, e.minValue, e.maxValue, e.avgValue
FROM AnonymizedIoTDataStream as i JOIN DeviceStatisticsTable as e
ON i._key == e._key
WHERE e.minValue < 10 OR e.maxValue > 100;

In this example, an IoTDeviceDataStream is created to store IoT device data with attributes: fullName, address, email, deviceID, eventType, and value. An AnonymizedIoTDataStream sink stream is created to store the anonymized IoT device data with the same attributes and an additional _key attribute. A DeviceStatisticsTable is created to store device statistics, and a DeviceStatisticsAlertsStream sink stream is created to store alerts based on the device statistics.

The anonymizeIoTData query processes events from the IoTDeviceDataStream and anonymizes the fullName, address, email, and deviceID attributes using the pii:fake function. The anonymized data, eventType, value, and a concatenated _key are then inserted into the AnonymizedIoTDataStream sink stream.

The updateDeviceStatistics query updates the DeviceStatisticsTable with new statistics calculated from the AnonymizedIoTDataStream within a sliding window of 1 day. The statistics include totalEvents, minValue, maxValue, and avgValue.

The insertDeviceStatistics query inserts new records into the DeviceStatisticsTable with statistics calculated from the AnonymizedIoTDataStream within a sliding window of 1 day.

The sendDeviceStatisticsAlerts query joins the AnonymizedIoTDataStream and DeviceStatisticsTable on the _key attribute, and when the minValue is less than 10 or maxValue is greater than 100, it inserts the deviceID, eventType, minValue, maxValue, and avgValue into the DeviceStatisticsAlertsStream sink stream. This generates alerts based on the device statistics.