Source Types
This section contains information about various source types supported in Macrometa stream workers.
📄️ Google Pubsub
The Google PubSub source receives events to be processed by Macrometa from a topic in a Google PubSub server. Here, a subscriber client creates a subscription to that topic and consumes messages via the subscription. The subscription applications receive only the messages that are published after the subscription is created.
📄️ http-call-response
The http-call-response source receives the responses for the calls made by its corresponding http-call sink, and maps them from formats such as text and JSON.
📄️ http-service
The http-service source receives POST requests via HTTP and HTTPS protocols in format such as text and JSON and sends responses via its corresponding http-service-response sink correlated through a unique
📄️ http
HTTP source receives POST requests via HTTP and HTTPS protocols in format such as text and JSON. It also supports basic
📄️ kafka
A Kafka source receives events to be processed by GDP stream workers from a topic with a partition for a Kafka cluster. The events received can be in the TEXT, JSON, or Binary format. If the topic is not already created in the Kafka cluster, the Kafka sink creates the default partition for the given topic.
📄️ kafkaMultiDC
The Kafka Multi-Datacenter(DC) source receives records from the same
The MQTT source receives events to be processed by Macrometa from a topic in the MQTT server.
📄️ prometheus
This source consumes Prometheus metrics that are exported from a specified URL as stream worker events by sending HTTP requests to the URL.
📄️ SSE
HTTP SSE source sends a request to a given URL and listens to the response stream.
📄️ tcp
A stream worker application can be configured to receive events via the TCP transport by adding the type='tcp' annotation at the top of an event stream definition. When this is defined the associated stream will receive events from the TCP transport on the host and port defined in the system.