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Write to a Stream

This page explains how to use the Macrometa Stream Databricks Client Connector to integrate Apache Spark with Macrometa streams, allowing you write data you have processed and analyzed in a Databricks environment to Macrometa streams.

  1. Set up your target options:

    val targetOptions = Map(
    "regionUrl" -> "<REGION_URL>",
    "port" -> "<PORT>",
    "apikey" -> "<APIKEY>",
    "fabric" -> "<FABRIC>",
    "tenant" -> "<TENANT>",
    "replication" -> "<REPLICATION>",
    "stream" -> "<TARGET_STREAM>",
    "checkpointLocation" -> "<CHECKPOINT_LOCATION>"
  2. Write to the Macrometa stream. The code block below assumes the stream you are reading data from has the property 'symbol', 'ma'. Replace it with your own schema:

    val query ="symbol","ma")
    .withColumnRenamed("ma", "value")
  3. Wait for termination:
