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Kafka NodeJS Client

The Kafka-Node client can be used to create Kafka producers, consumers, and topics in Node.js.


We recommend using kafkajs client instead, because kafka-node has not been supporting since 2019.


Install Kafka-Node using npm:

npm install kafka-node

Create a Client

In order to interact with Kafka, needs to be created a client instance:

const kafka = require('kafka-node');

const client = new kafka.KafkaClient(
kafkaHost: '<my-gdn>.<my-paas>',
fromOffset: 'latest',
sasl: { mechanism: 'plain', username: '<my-tenant>/<my-fabric>', password: 'token:<my-api-key>' },
ssl: true,
sslOptions: {
rejectUnauthorized: false

Create a Topic

This client requires to create a topic before running consumer.

Here is an example:

client.createTopics([{topic: '<c8globals or c8locals>.<my-topic>' ,partitions: 1, replicationFactor: 1}], (error, result) => {


This example creates a Node.js producer for the my-topic topic and sends messages to that topic:

const producer = new kafka.HighLevelProducer(client);
producer.on('ready', function () {
console.log('starting to produce');

function send() {
producer.send([{ topic: argv.topic, messages: ['<my-message-value>'] }], function (err, data) {


Kafka consumers subscribe to one or more Kafka topics and listen for incoming messages produced on that topic or multiple topics with global either local distribution. For example: new kafka.Consumer(client, [{ topic: 'c8globals.topic-1', topic: 'c8locals.topic-2'}]).

const consumer = new kafka.Consumer(client, [{ topic: '<c8globals or c8locals>.<my-topic>', groupId: '<my-group-id>' partition: 0}], {
autoCommit: true,
autoCommitIntervalMs: 500

consumer.on("message", function (message) {
console.log("Received a message: " + message["value"]);