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Pub-Sub with Streams Example

This page describes how to create geo-replicated streams and set up queues and pub-sub messaging with local latencies across the globe.


Pub-Sub with Streams Code

  1. Copy and paste the code block below in your favorite IDE.
  2. Update constants with your values, such as the API key.
  3. Run the code.
  4. (Optional) Log in to the Macrometa console to view the streams.
// Connect to GDN.
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
const readline = require("readline");
const globalUrl = "";
const apiKey = "xxxx"; //Change this to your API Key

// Create an authenticated instance with an API key (recommended)
const client = new jsc8({
url: globalUrl,
apiKey: apiKey,
fabricName: "_system"

/* Authenticate via JSON Web Token (JWT)
const client = new jsc8({ url: globalUrl, token: "XXXX", fabricName: "_system" });

/* Create an authenticated client instance via email and password
const client = new jsc8(globalUrl);
await client.login("", "password");

// Variables
const stream = "streamQuickstart";
let prefix_text = "";
const is_local = false; //For a local stream pass this variable as True, or False for a global stream

// Get the right prefix for the stream
if (is_local) {
prefix_text = "c8locals.";
} else {
prefix_text = "c8globals.";

async function createMyStream () {
let streamName = { "stream-id": "" };
if (await client.hasStream(stream, is_local)) {
console.log("This stream already exists!");
streamName["stream-id"] = prefix_text + stream;
console.log(`Old Producer = ${streamName["stream-id"]}`);
} else {
streamName = await client.createStream(stream, is_local);
console.log(`New Producer = ${streamName.result["stream-id"]}`);

async function sendData () {
console.log("\n ------- Publish Messages ------");
const producer = await client.createStreamProducer(stream, is_local);

producer.on("open", () => {
const input = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout

// Repeatedly ask the user for message to be published to the stream. User can always exit by typing 0
var recursiveUserInput = () => {
"Enter your message to publish or Type 0 to exit:\n",
(userInput) => {
if (userInput === "0") {
return input.close();

const data = {
payload: Buffer.from(userInput).toString("base64")
console.log(`Message sent: ${userInput}`);
producer.onclose = function () {
console.log("Closed WebSocket:Producer connection for " + stream);

async function receiveData () {
console.log("\n ------- Receive Messages ------");
const consumer = await client.createStreamReader(

// Close consumer connection when user types 0
const input = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout

"Type '0' to exit anytime:\n",
(userInput) => {
if (userInput === "0") {
return input.close();

consumer.on("message", (msg) => {
const { payload, messageId } = JSON.parse(msg);
console.log(Buffer.from(payload, "base64").toString("ascii"));
// Send message acknowledgement
consumer.send(JSON.stringify({ messageId }));

consumer.onclose = function () {
console.log("Closed WebSocket:Consumer connection for " + stream);

async function selectAction () {
const input = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout

"Type 'w' to write data. Type 'r' to read data: ",
(userInput) => {
if (userInput === "w") {
} else if (userInput === "r") {
} else {
console.log("Invalid user input. Stopping program.");
return false;

(async function () {
await createMyStream();
await selectAction();