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Create Consumers

This page describes how to create a consumer.


Create Consumer Code

This code creates a new client, requests a stream object, and then creates a consumer.

If you're using JavaScript, the code creates a jsc8 client. If Python, it creates a C8Client

const jsc8 = require("jsc8");

const BASE_URL = ""

client = new jsc8({
url: BASE_URL,
apiKey: "xxxxxx", // Update this with your API key
fabricName: "_system",

const streamName = "streamQuickstart";
const subscriptionName = "consumer-subscription"

async function main () {
async function createStream() {
if (await client.hasStream(streamName, false)) {
console.log("This stream already exists!");
console.log(`Existing Consumer = c8globals.${streamName}`);
} else {
console.log("\nCreating global stream...");
// To create a global stream, set the second parameter to false
// There is an option to create a local stream, which is only accessible within the region
const streamInfo = await client.createStream(streamName, false);
console.log(`New Consumer = ${streamInfo.result["stream-id"]}`);

async function consumer() {
try {
await console.log("\nConnecting consumer to global stream...");
// Create stream only if stream does not exist
// Request stream object
const stream =, false);
// Request one-time password
const consumerOTP = await stream.getOtp();
// Create consumer
const consumer = await stream.consumer(subscriptionName, BASE_URL.replace("https://",""), {
otp: consumerOTP
// Run consumer - open connection to server
consumer.on("message", (msg) => {
const { payload, messageId } = JSON.parse(msg);
// Received message payload
console.log(Buffer.from(payload, "base64").toString("ascii"));
// Send message acknowledgement
consumer.send(JSON.stringify({ messageId }));
} catch (e) {
await console.log("Could not receive messages " + e);
