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Stream Processing Error Handling

By implementing the OnError.action property in a stream definition, any errors that occur during the processing of events can be captured and redirected to a fault stream automatically.

The following actions are supported for error handling at stream:

  • log - Logs the error, and drops the message.
  • stream - Forward the error and the event to fault stream. This stream, indicated as !<StreamName>, is created implicitly and captures both the event that led to the error and the error details. A fault stream will be composed of the base stream’s attributes, plus an _error attribute containing error details.

Fault Stream Concept

A fault stream is an implicit stream created when the OnError.action='stream' property is applied. This fault stream captures both the event and the error details, allowing for further processing or logging.

CREATE STREAM <stream name> WITH (type='<source type>', OnError.action='<action>', <other properties>) (<attribute name> <attribute type>, ...);

Example: Stream Function Error Handling

-- Stream definition with error handling property
CREATE STREAM ProcessingStream WITH (type='inMemory', map.type='passthrough', OnError.action='stream') (data string);

-- Implicitly created fault stream for error capture
CREATE STREAM !ProcessingStream (data string, _error object);

-- Sample function that could generate an error
CREATE FUNCTION ProcessData[dataType] return string {
// Processing logic here

-- Inserting into the processing stream
INSERT INTO ProcessingStream
SELECT payload
FROM InputStream;

-- Applying the function and handling errors
INSERT INTO OutputStream
SELECT ProcessData(data)
FROM ProcessingStream;

-- Redirecting errors to the fault stream
SELECT data, _error
FROM !ProcessingStream;

In this example, the OnError.action='stream' property is set for the ProcessingStream, which ensures that any errors in the ProcessData function result in the event being redirected to !ProcessingStream, the fault stream.