Publishing Data in Different Formats
In this example, the stream worker ingests JSON events, groups them by product, and publishes the data in text format.
@App:description("Description of the plan")
-- Define the input source, which is JSON data from a Macrometa collection.
CREATE SOURCE ConsumerSalesTotalsStream WITH (
) (
transNo int,
product string,
price int,
quantity int,
salesValue long);
-- Define the output, which is a stream of text format data.
CREATE SINK PublishSalesTotalsStream WITH (
stream.list='Sales Totals',
) (
transNo int,
product string,
price int,
quantity int,
salesValue long);
-- Query that takes input data, groups it by product, and inserts it into the output stream.
INSERT INTO PublishSalesTotalsStream
SELECT transNo, product, price, quantity, salesValue
FROM ConsumerSalesTotalsStream
GROUP BY product;