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size (Function)

Function to return the size of the list.


<INT> list:size(<OBJECT> list)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
listThe list for which size should be returned.OBJECTNoYes

Example 1


The list:size(stockSymbols) function calculates and returns the size (number of elements) of the stockSymbols list.

Example 2

CREATE STREAM StockStream (symbols OBJECT);
CREATE SINK STREAM OutputStream (symbolCount INT);

@info(name = 'SymbolCount')
INSERT INTO OutputStream
SELECT list:size(symbols) AS symbolCount
FROM StockStream;

In this stream worker, an input stream named StockStream is defined, containing a list of stock symbols (symbols). The function list:size(symbols) operates on each event in the StockStream. This function counts the number of elements in the symbols list and returns this count. This count is then aliased as symbolCount and inserted into the OutputStream. As a result, the OutputStream contains the counts of symbols from each event in the StockStream.