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pi (Function)

This function returns the java.lang.Math.PI constant, which is the closest value to pi, i.e., the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.


<DOUBLE> math:pi()

Query Parameters


Example 1

CREATE STREAM InValueStream (inValue double);

@info(name = 'calculatePi')
INSERT INTO OutMediationStream
SELECT math:pi() AS piValue
FROM InValueStream;

The calculatePi query processes the input stream InValueStream, which contains a single field, inValue. For each event in the input stream, the query calculates the mathematical constant Pi (π) using the math:pi() function. The value of Pi is approximately 3.141592653589793.

The calculated Pi value is aliased as piValue and directed to the OutMediationStream. This query essentially adds a constant Pi value to each event in the input stream and forwards the result to the output stream for further processing or analysis.