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This provides the sentiment value for a given string as per the AFINN word list.


<INT> sentiment:getRate(<String> text)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
textThe input text for which the sentiment value should be derived.STRINGNoNo

Example 1

@info(name = 'sentimentScoreExample')
SELECT sentiment:getRate('George is a good person') AS sentimentScore;

The sentimentScoreExample demonstrates the use of the sentiment:getRate function to calculate the sentiment score for a given input string, 'George is a good person.' The function refers to the AFINN word list, a collection of words with assigned sentiment scores ranging from -5 (very negative) to 5 (very positive). In this example, the sentiment score for the input string is 3, indicating a positive sentiment.

Example 2

CREATE STREAM InputDataStream (eventTime long, message string);

CREATE SINK STREAM OutputStream (eventTime long, sentimentScore double);

@info(name = 'sentimentAnalysisQuery')
INSERT INTO OutputStream
SELECT eventTime, sentiment:getRate(message) AS sentimentScore
FROM InputDataStream;

The sentimentAnalysisQuery processes events from the InputDataStream and calculates the sentiment score for the message attribute using the sentiment:getRate() function. This function refers to the AFINN word list, a collection of words with assigned sentiment scores ranging from -5 (very negative) to 5 (very positive). The query outputs the eventTime and the calculated sentimentScore of the events to the OutputStream.