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equalsIgnoreCase (Function)

This returns a boolean value by comparing two strings lexicographically without considering the letter case.


<BOOL> str:equalsIgnoreCase(<STRING> arg1, <STRING> arg2)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
arg1The first input string argument.STRINGNoYes
arg2The second input string argument. This is compared with the first argument.STRINGNoYes

Example 1

SELECT str:equalsIgnoreCase('gdn', 'GDN') AS isEqual;

The equalsIgnoreCaseExample demonstrates the use of the str:equalsIgnoreCase() function to check if two given strings are equal, ignoring the case of the characters. In this example, the input strings are 'gdn' and 'GDN'. The function returns true because the input strings are equal, ignoring the case.

Example 2

CREATE STREAM InputDataStream (eventTime long, string1 string, string2 string);

CREATE SINK STREAM OutputStream (eventTime long, isEqual bool);

@info(name = 'equalsIgnoreCaseStreamWorker')
INSERT INTO OutputStream
SELECT eventTime, str:equalsIgnoreCase(string1, string2) AS isEqual
FROM InputDataStream;

The equalsIgnoreCaseStreamWorker processes events from the InputDataStream and uses the str:equalsIgnoreCase() function to check if the string1 attribute is equal to the string2 attribute, ignoring the case of the characters. The query outputs the eventTime and a boolean value isEqual for each event to the OutputStream. The boolean value is true if the input strings are equal, ignoring the case, and false otherwise.