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JOIN (Table)

This operator allows a stream to retrieve information from a table in a streaming manner.

JOIN Syntax

INSERT INTO <output stream>
SELECT (<input stream>|<table>).<attribute name>, (<input stream>|<table>).<attribute name>, ...
FROM <input stream> JOIN <table>
ON <condition>

A table (collection) can only be joined with a stream. Two tables cannot be joined, because there must be at least one active entity to trigger the join operation.

JOIN Examples

This query joins a stream with a table and outputs the sensor data into an OutputStream.

INSERT INTO OutputStream
SELECT st.sensorId, st.temperature, ts.type AS type
FROM TempStream AS ts JOIN SensorTable AS st
ON ts.sensorId == st.sensorId;

This stream worker performs a join to retrieve the room type from RoomTypeTable table based on the room number, so that it can filter the events related to server-rooms.

CREATE TABLE RoomTypeTable (roomNo int, type string);
CREATE STREAM TempStream (deviceID long, roomNo int, temp double);

INSERT INTO ServerRoomTempStream
SELECT deviceID, RoomTypeTable.type as roomType, type, temp
FROM TempStream JOIN RoomTypeTable
ON RoomTypeTable.roomNo == TempStream.roomNo
HAVING roomType == 'server-room';

Supported JOIN Types

Table join supports the following join operations.


This is the default behavior of a join operation. JOIN is used as the keyword to join a stream with a table. Output is generated only if there is a matching event in both the stream and the table.


The LEFT OUTER JOIN operation allows you to join a stream on the left side with a table on the right side based on a condition. It returns all the events of the left stream even if there are no matching events in the right table by having null values for the attributes of the right table.


The RIGHT OUTER JOIN operation allows you to join a stream on right side with a table on the left side based on a condition. It returns all the events of the right stream even if there are no matching events in the left table.