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Distributed Sinks

Distributed sinks publish events from a defined sink to multiple endpoints using load balancing or partitioning strategies.

Any sink can be used as a distributed sink. A distributed sink configuration allows users to define a common mapping to convert and send the stream events for all its destination endpoints.


Distributed sink provides a way to publish Stream events to multiple endpoints in the configured event format.


To configure a distributed sink, add the sink configuration to a stream definition by adding the sink.type property and add the configuration parameters that are common of all the destination endpoints inside it, along with the common parameters also add the distribution.strategy property specifying the distribution strategy (i.e. roundRobin or partitioned) and destination properties providing each endpoint specific configurations.

The distributed sink syntax is as follows:

RoundRobin Distributed Sink

Publishes events to defined destinations in a round robin manner.

CREATE SINK <stream name> WITH (sink.type='<sink type>', <common.static.key>='<value>', <common.dynamic.key>='{{<value>}}', map.type='<map type>', <static.key>='<value>', <dynamic.key>='{{<value>}}', map.payload='<payload mapping>' distribution.strategy='roundRobin', destination.<key>='<value>', destination.<key>='<value>') (<attribute1> <type>, <attributeN> <type>);

Partitioned Distributed Sink

Publishes events to defined destinations by partitioning them based on the partitioning key.

CREATE SINK <stream name> WITH (sink.type='<sink type>', <common.static.key>='<value>', <common.dynamic.key>='{{<value>}}', map.type='<map type>', <static.key>='<value>', <dynamic.key>='{{<value>}}', map.payload='<payload mapping>', distribution.strategy='partitioned', partitionKey='<partition key>', destination.<key>='<value>', destination.<key>='<value>') (<attribute1> <type>, <attributeN> <type>);