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Tables (Collections)

A table is a stored version of an stream or a table of events. Its schema is defined in the table definition that is similar to a stream definition. These events are stored in database. In Macrometa GDN, tables are called collections.


If you want to use an existing Macrometa collection as a store, then you must define it in the stream worker.


Tables allow the stream worker to work with stored events. By defining a schema for tables, the stream processor enables them to be processed by queries using their defined attributes with the streaming data. You can also query the state of the stored events in the table.

Any table defined in a stream worker is automatically a store for that stream worker. Tables can be stores or sinks.

You can query table contents using Table Operators.

You can speed up reference time by creating one or more Table Indexes.


There are several ways to define tables and stores. Tables are always document collections, but stores can be any collection type.


The syntax for a new table definition is as follows:

CREATE TABLE (GLOBAL|LOCAL)? <table_name> (<attribute_name> <attribute_type>, ...);

For example, this statement creates a global document collection:

CREATE TABLE SensorTable (sensorId string, temperature double);


The CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement creates a new document collection by selecting data from an existing stream and applying filters or transformations. The new table can be used for persistent storage, querying, and analysis.

The syntax for CREATE TABLE AS SELECT is as follows:

CREATE TABLE <table_name> (<attribute_name> <attribute_type>, ...)
[WITH ( property_name = expression [, ...] )]
AS SELECT select_expr [, ...]
FROM from_stream … ;


You can also use general store syntax, which allows you to create any type of collection:

CREATE STORE <collection_name> 
WITH (type="database", propKey=”propVal”,)
(<attribute_name> <attribute_type>, ...);
  • WITH (propKey = propVal [, ...]) - Optional properties for the new table or store, such as a time-to-live or a partition key.
  • attribute name - The schema of the table or store is defined by its attributes with uniquely identifiable attribute names (camelCase is used for attribute names as a convention.)
  • attribute type - The type of each attribute defined in the schema. This can be STRING, INT, LONG, DOUBLE, FLOAT, BOOL, or OBJECT.

Store Parameters

The following table outlines parameters for CREATE STORE definitions. Some parameters are universal, while others apply only to specific collection types.

ParameterDescriptionApplicable Collection Types
typeThe store type, currently supporting database.All
collectionThe name of the collection.All
collection.typeThe type of collection, either doc, edge, kv, redis, or dynamo. Default is doc.All
replication.typeEither local or global. Default is global.All
map.typeSpecifies the data format for publishing and configures mapping parameters. See Sink Mapping for supported types.All
batch.sizeAccumulates documents until the batch size is reached for processing. Use for high data flow. Default is 1.All
batch.flush.time.msAccumulates documents until the batch time is reached for processing. Use for high data flow. Default is 0 (processes documents on arrival).All
fromFor edge collections, specifies the source node field of the edge.edge
toFor edge collections, specifies the destination node field of the edge.edge
kv.expirationOptional for kv collections, specifies if items expire (true or false). Default is true.kv
partition.keyRequired for dynamo collections, specifies the primary key.dynamo
partition.key.typeOptional for dynamo collections, specifies the data type of the partition key. Possible types are string, number, or binary. Default is string.dynamo
sorting.keyOptional for dynamo collections, specifies the sorting key.dynamo
sorting.key.typeOptional for dynamo collections, specifies the data type of the sorting key. Default is string.dynamo

Secondary Indexes for DynamoDB Tables

Secondary indexes for DynamoDB tables can be created with the following syntax:

CREATE SECONDARY INDEX <index_name> ON STORE <collection_name> WITH (type='global|local') (<attribute_name>, ...);
  • type - Specifies the type of secondary index, either global or local.
  • partition.key.type and sorting.key.type - Optional types for the partition and sorting keys of the secondary index.

Example 1: Defining a Local Room Type Table

CREATE TABLE RoomTypeTable (roomNo int, type string);

In this example, RoomTypeTable is defined as a local table within the database. It is structured with two columns: roomNo as an integer representing the room number and type as a string indicating the type of room. This table structure allows for the organization and retrieval of room types based on their numbers.

Example 2: Creating a Global Sweet Production Table

CREATE TABLE GLOBAL SweetProductionCollection (name string, amount double);

This statement creates a global table named SweetProductionCollection, which consists of two columns: name for the name of the sweet, as a string, and amount for the quantity of production, as a double. Being global, this table is designed to be replicated across multiple regions for distributed access.

Example 3: Selective Stock Table Creation with Windowing

CREATE TABLE StockTable (symbol string, price float, volume long)
AS SELECT symbol, price, volume
FROM InputStream[price > 500] WINDOW SLIDING_LENGTH(1);

Here, the StockTable is created to store financial stock data with attributes symbol, price, and volume. The data is populated by selecting records from an InputStream where the stock price exceeds 500. A sliding window of length 1 is applied, ensuring that the table captures the most recent qualifying data points.

Example 4: Configuring a Sensor Data Store

CREATE STORE SensorTable WITH(type='database', collection='SampleTable', map.type='json') (sensorId string, temperature double);

SensorTable is a document collection configured to hold sensor data, with sensorId representing a unique identifier for each sensor and temperature recording its readings as a double. The store is set up within a database, with data serialized in JSON format, facilitating easy integration and retrieval of sensor measurements.

Example 5: KV Store with Expiration

CREATE STORE SampleKV WITH (type = 'database', collection = "SampleKV", collection.type="kv", kv.expiration='true') (_key string, value object, expireAt long);

In this example, a key-value collection named SampleKV is created with an expiration policy. It includes attributes _key which is a string representing the unique identifier for the key-value pair, value which is an object representing the data stored, and expireAt which is a long integer representing the expiration time in UNIX timestamp. When kv.expiration is set to true, each key-value pair will have a specified lifetime after which it will expire.

Example 6: Redis Store

CREATE STORE SampleRedis WITH (type='database', collection='SampleRedis', collection.type='redis', map.type='json') (value string);

This example defines a Redis collection called SampleRedis. It only includes one attribute: value, which is of type string. The store captures data in JSON format, which allows for flexible data structures and easy integration with various applications. This Redis store is configured for global replication, ensuring the data is consistent across different regions.

Example 7: Dynamo Store with Partition and Sorting Keys

CREATE STORE SampleDynamo WITH (type = 'database', collection = 'SampleDynamo', collection.type='dynamo', partition.key='part', sorting.key='sort') (part string, sort string);

In this example, SampleDynamo is a Dynamo collection with specified partition and sorting keys. The part attribute serves as the partition key and is of type string, which is used to distribute the data across nodes. The sort attribute is the sorting key, also of type string, which determines the order of data retrieval. This setup is crucial for efficient querying and scalability in a distributed database system.