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Table Indexes

Macrometa stream workers provide various indexing options to help you efficiently search and modify data in tables (collections). This page explains how to create indexes using CREATE INDEX in Macrometa stream workers.


Indexes allow tables to be searched and modified much faster. Indexes can be configured together with primary keys. When more than one attribute is used for index, each one of them is used to index the table for fast access to the data.

For more information about indexing tables (collections), refer to Indexing.


You can use the CREATE INDEX command on a Macrometa table (collection) that your stream worker uses as a source or store:

CREATE (UNIQUE)? INDEX index-name ON TABLE table-name [WITH (type="<type>", optional properties...)] (fields_to_index...)


The following parameters are configured in an index definition:

(UNIQUE)?Optional flag to create unique indexes.
index-nameName for the index.
table-nameName of the table to create indexes.
fields_to_indexComma separated list of 1:* index fields without types (i.e id, name).


The following properties can be configured in an index definition. Available properties vary depending on the index type.

typeIndex type. This field is required. Options are: fulltext, geo, hash, persistent, skiplist, ttl.

Fulltext Index Properties

The following properties apply to fulltext indexes. They are all optional.

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
minLengthMinimum character length of words to index. Defaults to 5. Best practice is to set this value explicitly when creating a fulltext index.5


-- Creates a fulltext index named `SampleFullTextIndex` on `SampleGDNTable` with property {minLength=3}.
CREATE INDEX SampleFullTextIndex ON TABLE SampleGDNTable WITH(type="fulltext", minLength="3") (sensorId);

Geo Index Properties

The following properties apply to geo indexes. They are all optional.

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
geoJsonIf a geo-spatial index on a location is constructed and geoJson is true, then the order within the array is longitude followed by latitude.false


-- Creates a geo index named `SampleGeoIndex` on `SampleGDNTable` with property {geoJson=false}.
CREATE INDEX SampleGeoIndex ON TABLE SampleGDNTable WITH(type="geo", geoJson="false") (sensorId);

Hash Index Properties

The following properties apply to hash indexes. They are all optional.

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
uniqueIf true, then create a unique index.false
sparseIf true, then create a sparse index.false
deduplicateIf false, the deduplication of array values is turned off.false


-- Creates a hash index named `SampleHashIndex` on `SampleGDNTable` with properties {unique=true, sparse=true, deduplicate=true}.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX SampleHashIndex ON TABLE SampleGDNTable WITH(type="hash", sparse="true", deduplicate="true") (sensorId);

Persistent Index Properties

The following properties apply to persistent indexes. They are all optional.

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
uniqueIf true, then create a unique index.false
sparseIf true, then create a sparse index.false
deduplicateIf false, the deduplication of array values is turned off.false


-- Creates a persistent index named `SamplePersistentIndex` on `SampleGDNTable` with following properties {unique=true, sparse=true, deduplicate=true}.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX SamplePersistentIndex ON TABLE SampleGDNTable WITH(type="persistent", sparse="true", deduplicate="true") (sensorId);

Skiplist Index Properties

The following properties apply to skiplist indexes. They are all optional.

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
uniqueIf true, then create a unique index.false
sparseIf true, then create a sparse index.false
deduplicateIf false, the deduplication of array values is turned off.false


-- Creates a skiplist index named `SampleSkiplistIndex` on `SampleGDNTable` with properties {unique=true, sparse=true, deduplicate=true}.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX SampleSkiplistIndex ON TABLE SampleGDNTable WITH(type="skiplist", sparse="true", deduplicate="true") (sensorId);

TTL Index Properties

The following properties apply to ttl indexes. They are all optional.

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
expireAfterThe number of seconds time after which the documents count as expired. The countdown starts at document creation.3600


-- Creates a ttl index named `SampleTTLIndex` on `SampleGDNTable` with property {expireAfter=3600}.
CREATE INDEX SampleTTLIndex ON TABLE SampleGDNTable WITH(type="ttl", expireAfter="3600") (sensorId);


CREATE TABLE SampleGDNTable (sensorId string, temperature double);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX SamplePersistentIndex ON TABLE SampleGDNTable WITH(type="persistent", sparse="true") (sensorId);

This example creates a table named SampleGDNTable with two fields: sensorId of type string and temperature of type double. The second statement creates a unique, persistent index named SamplePersistentIndex on the SampleGDNTable table with sensorId as the field to index.