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A sliding time window that at a given time holds the last length events that arrived during last time period, and gets updated for every event arrival and expiration.



Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
timeThe sliding time period for which the window should hold events.INT LONG TIMENoNo
lengthThe number of events that should be be included in a sliding length window.INTNoNo


CREATE STREAM cseEventStream (symbol string, price float, volume int);
CREATE WINDOW cseEventWindow (symbol string, price float, volume int) SLIDING_TIME_LENGTH(2 sec, 10);
CREATE SINK STREAM OutputStream (symbol string, price float, volume int);

@info(name = 'query0')
INSERT INTO cseEventWindow
FROM cseEventStream;

@info(name = 'query1')
INSERT all events INTO OutputStream
SELECT symbol, price, volume
FROM cseEventWindow;

This window holds the last 10 events that arrived during the last two seconds and gets updated for every event arrival and expiration.