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When you create a connection to a Macrometa collection, you can add a transformation. These transformations are similar to Macrometa stream workers, which help you change your data using Stream QL in stream worker queries.

Stream QL is documented in Stream Worker Queries, but only portions of that section apply to transformations.

This page explains the difference between transformations and stream workers and lists the portions of Stream QL (the language used in stream worker queries) you can and cannot use in transformations.

Transformations vs. Stream Workers

You can think of transformations as lightweight stream workers. You can use either one depending on your data pipeline and processing needs.

Input and Output

Transformations have input and output defined automatically, and you cannot change them.

You can define multiple inputs and outputs for stream workers, but you must set them up yourself.

Stream workers support multiple output actions, including INSERT INTO, UPDATE, and DELETE. Transformations only support INSERT INTO, which allows you to insert transformed data into the output target.


Transformations allow you to write one query, while stream workers allow you to write several queries. For more information about stream worker queries, refer to Stream Worker Queries.


Transformations only process, or transform, content going into or out of Macrometa collections via a connection.

Stream workers process data streams, which can include Macrometa collections, but also support a variety of different sources and sinks.

Supported Stream QL

Stream QL is documented in Stream Worker Queries, but only the following portions of that documentation apply to transformations. If your data pipeline needs are met by the following functionality, then a transformation might be the best solution:

Unsupported Stream QL

The following Stream QL and stream worker elements are not supported. If you need to use them in your data pipeline, then you might need to create a stream worker:


For more information about query syntax, refer to Query Syntax.

< expressions >
< condition > -- optional
< fields >
< condition > -- optional

Example 1

SELECT "Coinbase Pro" as exchange,
"USA" as quote_region,
"BTC/USD" as symbol,
avg(convert(price, 'double')) as ma,
convert(price, 'double') as close,
time:timestampInMilliseconds()/1000 as timestamp
FROM Input;

This transformation calculates the average price, converts the price to a double data type, and adjusts the timestamp for a specific input.

  1. "Coinbase Pro" as exchange, "USA" as quote_region, "BTC/USD" as symbol: These sections are hardcoding the values for exchange, quote_region, and symbol fields to "Coinbase Pro", "USA", and "BTC/USD", respectively.

  2. avg(convert(price, 'double')) as ma: This takes the average of the price field, which is first converted to a double data type. The result will be aliased as ma.

  3. convert(price, 'double') as close: Here, the price is simply converted to a double data type, and the result is aliased as close.

  4. time:timestampInMilliseconds()/1000 as timestamp: The timestamp is converted from milliseconds to seconds and then renamed as timestamp.

This transformation runs on all the documents from your Input collection and inserts the transformed documents into the Output collection.

Example 2

SELECT exchange,
FROM Input
symbol == "MBDX" AND
trade_location == "CA";

This transformation query performs the following operations:

  1. SELECT exchange, quote_region, symbol, timestamp, trade_location, trade_price, trade_strategy, trade_type: This part of the query specifies the fields from the Input collection that should be included in the Output collection. These are: exchange, quote_region, symbol, timestamp, trade_location, trade_price, trade_strategy, and trade_type.

  2. WHERE symbol == "MBDX" AND trade_location = "CA": This condition filters the data from the Input collection to only include documents where the symbol field is equal to "MBDX" and the trade_location field is equal to "CA".

As a result, the Output collection will contain only the documents from the Input collection that satisfy the specified condition, and each document in the Output collection will include only the fields specified in the SELECT clause.

Example 3 - Rollup

SELECT productId,
sum(convert(amount, 'double')) as totalAmount
FROM Input
GROUP BY productId, region;

This transformation query, known as a "rollup," executes the following actions:

  1. SELECT productId, region, sum(convert(amount, 'double')) as totalAmount: This part of the query instructs the transformation to include productId and region fields in the Output collection. Furthermore, it computes the sum of the amount field, after converting it to a double data type, and labels the result as totalAmount.

  2. GROUP BY productId, region: This section groups the data from the Input collection based on the productId and region fields. For each unique combination of productId and region, it calculates the total sales amount.

In summary, this transformation collects documents from the Input collection, groups them by productId and region, and calculates the total amount for each group. The transformed data, which includes productId, region, and totalAmount for each group, is then inserted into the Output collection. This allows for an efficient rollup of sales data by product and region.