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Create Fulltext Search Views with Nested Fields

This page explains how you can create fulltext search views for lower-level fields, also called nested fields. You can achieve this in two steps:

  1. Construct a JSON object, as outlined below.
  2. Use this JSON object to create a fulltext search view using the Create Search View API endpoint.

Step 1: Construct the JSON Object

Your JSON object should have the following structure:

  • links (object):

    • [Collection Name] (string): Replace [Collection Name] with your collection's name.
      • analyzers (array of strings): Indexing analyzers for string values (default: ["identity"]).
      • fields (object): Defines attributes and nested structures for indexing.
      • includeAllFields (boolean): Whether to index all fields at a specific depth level (default: false).
      • trackListPositions (boolean): Whether list values should be indexed individually (default: false).
      • storeValues: Method to track attribute values. Options are id (to store values and enable EXISTS()) or none (default).
  • name (string): Name of the search view.

  • primarySort (array of strings): Default sorting order for the view.

  • type: Always set this to search.

JSON Example

"links": {
"testCollection": {
"analyzers": [ "text_en" ],
"fields": {
"parties": {
"fields": {
"name": {}
"includeAllFields": false,
"storeValues": "none",
"trackListPositions": false
"name": "testView",
"primarySort": [],
"type": "search"

Accessing Nested Data

You have two primary methods for accessing nested data.

Include All Fields

Index all sub-fields of the primary field.

"includeAllFields": true

Specify Nested Field Paths

This approach is more efficient, as it only indexes the specified fields. It's recommended if you know exactly which nested fields you want to index.

"fields": { 
"topLevelField": {
"fields": {
"subLevelField": {}

If you anticipate adding more sub-fields later, then the first option provides more flexibility.

Step 2: Create the Fulltext Search View

Access the endpoint using your preferred method.

Here's a cURL request example to create a search view using the previously constructed JSON:

curl -X 'POST' \
'<your-fabric-name>/_api/search/view' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: bearer <JWT_TOKEN>' \

Replace <YOUR_JSON_OBJECT_HERE> with the JSON you constructed in Step 1 and <JWT_TOKEN> with your JWT token.