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Matching with Negations

Negations enable you to search for items that do not have exact matching. In this scenario, check for inequality with the != operator.

FOR review IN sample_view
SEARCH ANALYZER(review.Property_Name != "Rhodes Hotel", "identity")
RETURN review.Property_Name

The returned results:

Apex London Wall Hotel
Corinthia Hotel London
The Savoy

You can expand this to include multiple values. Use the logical OR operator, IN operator, or bind parameters.

For example, these queries all return the same result:

FOR review IN sample_view
SEARCH ANALYZER(review.Property_Name == "Apex London Wall Hotel" OR review.Property_Name == "Corinthia Hotel London", "identity")
RETURN review.Property_Name
FOR review IN sample_view
SEARCH ANALYZER(review.Property_Name IN ["Apex London Wall Hotel", "Corinthia Hotel London"], "identity")
RETURN review.Property_Name

This example uses a bind parameter (@hotel_names):

FOR review IN sample_view
SEARCH ANALYZER(review.Property_Name IN @hotel_names, "identity")
RETURN review.Property_Name

These examples query a list of items starting with:

Apex London Wall Hotel
Corinthia Hotel London
Corinthia Hotel London
Apex London Wall Hotel