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Prefix Matching

You can use prefix substrings to search for strings or tokens starting with specific strings.

This example searches for all hotels starting with the word The :

FOR review IN sample_view
SEARCH ANALYZER(STARTS_WITH(review.Property_Name, "The "), "identity")
RETURN review.Property_Name

The result is a list starting with:

The Savoy
The Savoy
The Savoy
The Savoy

You can expand the search to include Hotel :

FOR review IN sample_view
SEARCH ANALYZER(STARTS_WITH(review.Property_Name, "The ") OR STARTS_WITH(review.Property_Name, "Hotel "), "identity")
RETURN review.Property_Name

You can also expand the search to include prefixes for multiple attributes. For example, all hotels starting with The and reviews starting with Awesome :

FOR review IN sample_view
SEARCH ANALYZER(STARTS_WITH(review.Property_Name, "The ") AND STARTS_WITH(review.Review_Title, "Awesome "), "identity")
Property_Name : review.Property_Name,
Review_Title : review.Review_Title

The results display three reviews:

The DorchesterAwesome luxury hotel
The DorchesterAwesome Bathroom, great location, Superb service
The SavoyAwesome Again