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clone (Function)

Function returns the cloned map.


<OBJECT> map:clone(<OBJECT> map)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
mapThe map to which needs to be cloned.OBJECTNoYes

Example 1


In this example, the map:clone(stockDetails) function is used to create a deep copy of the map named stockDetails. This means that it creates a new map with the same key-value pairs as stockDetails, and returns this new map. If any modifications are made to the original map after this operation, they will not affect the cloned map, and vice versa.

Example 2

CREATE STREAM InputDataStream (stockDetails object);
CREATE SINK STREAM OutputDataStream (clonedMap object);

@info(name = 'CloneMap')
INSERT INTO OutputDataStream
SELECT map:clone(stockDetails) AS clonedMap
FROM InputDataStream;

In this stream worker example named 'CloneMap', events from the InputDataStream, which includes a map named stockDetails, are processed. The function map:clone(stockDetails) is used to create a deep copy of stockDetails for each event. The resulting cloned map is then inserted into OutputDataStream. This operation can be useful when you need to maintain a copy of a map for further processing or analysis, while the original map continues to be updated.