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values (Function)

Function to return the values of the map.


<OBJECT> map:values(<OBJECT> map)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
mapThe map from which list if values to be returned.OBJECTNoYes

Example 1


The map:values(stockDetails) function is used to retrieve a collection of all the values contained in the stockDetails map.

Example 2

CREATE STREAM StockStream (symbol string, volume int, price float, stockDetails object);
CREATE SINK STREAM Output (stockValues object);

@info(name = 'ExtractStockValues')
SELECT map:values(stockDetails) AS stockValues

In this stream processing example, a StockStream is created with four fields - symbol, volume, price, and stockDetails. The stockDetails field contains a map of additional details for each stock. The Output sink stream is created to collect the output.

The ExtractStockValues query listens for batches of events from the StockStream and selects the stockDetails map from each event using the map:values(stockDetails) function. This map is then inserted into the Output stream.

The WINDOW TUMBLING_LENGTH(5) function is used to specify a tumbling window of 5 events, meaning that the query processes a batch of 5 events at a time. The map:values(stockDetails) function helps to extract and select the relevant data from the stockDetails map. The end result is a continuous flow of batches of stock details in the Output stream.