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isMap (Function)

Function checks if the object is type of a map.



Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
argThe argument the need to be determined whether it's a map or not.OBJECT INT LONG FLOAT DOUBLE FLOAT BOOL STRINGNoYes

Example 1


The map:isMap(stockDetails) function evaluates whether the stockDetails object is a map. If the object is a map (i.e., it's an instance of java.util.Map), the function returns true. If the object is not a map, it returns false.

Example 2

CREATE STREAM InputStream (stockDetails object);
CREATE SINK STREAM OutputStream (isMap bool);

@info(name = 'CheckIsMap')
INSERT INTO OutputStream
SELECT map:isMap(stockDetails) AS isMap
FROM InputStream;

In this stream worker, the CheckIsMap query processes events from the InputStream, with each event comprising a stockDetails object. The query applies the map:isMap(stockDetails) function to each event in InputStream to determine if stockDetails is a map. The resultant boolean value (true if it is a map, false otherwise) is then inserted into the OutputStream for each processed event.